My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

Chapter 57: Super Spider's Abilities

"Hey, hey, hey... have you been bitten by a spider too?"

Spider Gwen, whose body was hanging upside down in the low air, was in doubt and looked at Xi Nian, who had super spider abilities in front of her. For a moment, she ignored the fact that Xi Nian suddenly kissed her.

Xi Nian spread his hands: "This is my hidden ability. Through the contact with you just now, I briefly possessed your ability."

He paused and continued: "Remember the person you met on the rooftop last week? That was me."

"You are that pervert?!"

Spider-Man exclaimed and blurted out, and then as if reacting, she covered her mouth with force and said with a blushing face: "So, as long as you kiss a girl, you can get her power?"

"Uh. How to say it, it's almost like this..."

Xi Nian felt a little guilty, so he naturally couldn't tell the truth. In fact, as long as there is physical contact and the conditions for liquid exchange, it will be fine.

Of course.

Through the direct channel of kissing, plus enough media. The ability that Xi Nian obtained is more perfect, stable, and lasting!

This is verified on Paradise Island.

Spider-Man suddenly frowned and said, "Whose ability did you get last time?"

"Ah, this." Xi Nian opened his eyes wide, feeling that he and Spider-Man were not paying attention to the same thing.

At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled and shook, and the thunder and roar in the sky continued, indirectly helping Xi Nian out of the siege.

"What is that?"

Xi Nian and Spider-Man subconsciously raised their eyes and looked at the sky above the city outside the alley. They could see that the blue light column ten kilometers away pierced the sky, and the area of ​​the abyss torn open was three times larger than before!

In the huge sky abyss, in addition to more black spots of alien mechanical bodies that descended, there were also alien flying objects as huge as spaceships and warships! The powerful momentum of the alien warships flying can be clearly heard ten kilometers away, causing countless humans to tremble with fear from the bottom of their hearts!

"Xi Nian, I have to go." Spider-Man said firmly, looking at the alien forces descending in the distance.

Xi Nian nodded: "Be careful. If you can't win, remember to evacuate. Don't fight like last time."

"Okay, I will."

Spider-Woman looked at Xi Nian deeply, then pulled up her spider hood, raised her hand and shot spider silk at the building opposite the alley. Her slender body flew and shuttled on the high-rise buildings, and soon disappeared in the direction of the battle in the city center.

Watching the figure of Spider-Woman go away.

Xi Nian exhaled helplessly and muttered to himself: "You have chosen to stay, how can I leave like this, silly Gwen."

In this respect, Gwen is very similar to her aunt. She always stands up when disaster strikes. She is a real hero with the glorious qualities of a god.

Xi Nian is naturally not a hero, nor does she want to be a superhero. She is far from the great existence who gave up her life and everything for someone she doesn't know.

But, but!

Xi Nian is a person who will fight for his beloved!

"Since you want to protect the world, let me protect you." Xi Nian's eyes became brighter and brighter. He calmed down and began to look around the walls.

First, he must master Gwen's super spider ability.

Xi Nian tried to put his palm on the wall. The fingertips seemed to have invisible barbs, allowing him to climb up very easily.

Even his feet stepped on the straight wall. Xi Nian was like a newborn spider. He tested his natural ability for the first time and climbed up the flat wall. His movements were very slow and cautious.

Climbed to a wall ten meters above.

Xi Nian breathed evenly and looked down at the sky. His movements of crawling on the wall became more and more skilled and quick.


Xi Nian climbed up the ten-story rooftop along the wall. He looked up and looked down, and could see the current tragic situation in New York City more clearly.

With the high-rise Stark Industries headquarters building as the center, the area within a radius of ten kilometers has become a large-scale alien war. There are a large number of alien mechanical bodies and giant reptile warships that have just landed in human cities and caused heavy damage to modern urban areas.

High-rise buildings were razed to the ground in an instant, streets were burning with raging flames, and the smoke and dust floating in the sky condensed into dark clouds. Countless humans were screaming in despair!

The miserable situation on earth!

In the outer area of ​​the city center ten kilometers away, there were vehicles and pedestrians carrying luggage on the road, leaving along the main road outside the city in all directions, with trance, fear, anxiety, misery and other expressions on their faces!

It's like the end of the world!

This hell is not a good start.

Just as Xi Nian was looking at the situation of the battle in the distance, with a bang, several dazzling flames fell on the buildings not far away, and immediately collapsed several low-rise houses into ruins. Countless wood chips and gravel flew with flames, causing the people who had not yet evacuated to flee in panic.

Xi Nian narrowed his eyes and quickly looked at the sky on one side. Less than half a kilometer away, several small alien aircraft were approaching at a high speed!

Has the battle spread to ten kilometers away?

"Just right, I'll use you to practice!" Xi Nian took a deep breath and suddenly rushed to one end of the rooftop. He jumped over the more than ten-meter-wide street and landed on the top floor of the high-rise building opposite.

Although not as strong as the demigod when he had the ability of his aunt, his body seemed very light and agile under the spider ability!

Xinian leapt and moved on the rooftop to a tall building, and happened to capture the movement trajectory of a small alien flying object.

That's it now!

Xinian looked at the flying object within 20 meters, his mind moved, and he quickly imitated the female Spider-Man and flipped his wrist -

Well, the idea is very rich and the reality is very skinny.

There was no spider silk shooting out of the wrist at all.

"Come out!" Xinian was anxious and tried to flip his other wrist, but still no response.

Looking at the alien flying body that was about to pass by, Xinian gritted his teeth and jumped forward directly!

Saw a figure flash by.

The alien robot driving the small aircraft was startled. He controlled the aircraft and tried to dodge, but Xinian jumped forward and grabbed a corner of the pedal of the aircraft with his left hand!

"Get off here!" Xinian grabbed the metal ankle of the alien robot with his right hand, pulled hard and threw the alien robot out of the aircraft. It smashed into the building next to it with a force of several tons. wall.

There is also a robot in the back seat of the alien craft.

Seeing Xinian, the alien robot's eyes glowed red, the muzzle of the gun was downwards, and the trigger of the energy gun in his hand was continuously pulled.

At this moment.

Xinian was so excited that his extraordinary senses throughout his body were sharper than ever before!

The keen perception seems to radiate outwards, weaving an invisible and dense spider web around it, and it can clearly perceive everything around it. In this state, he naturally understood the direction in which the gun was aimed, so when the alien robot pulled the trigger, his body also made dodge movements at the same time!

laugh! laugh! laugh!

While holding on to the fast-moving aircraft at high altitude, Xinian twisted his body with amazing flexibility, narrowly avoiding the laser beams that shot at him.

Xinian grabbed the other side of the aircraft's pedals, swung his body slightly, kicked his heels up high, and climbed directly over the aircraft, kicking away the alien robot that still wanted to shoot!

Losing control, the aircraft accelerated out of control and crashed into a building.

Xinian was forced to jump out of the plane. He was in the air and he subconsciously turned his wrist.

This time, the white spider silk successfully shot out from the wrist!

There was no time to rejoice.

The other end of the spider's thread was stuck to the outer wall of the tall building. Xinian pulled the thread in time, and his whole body suddenly flew high!

take off!

Behind him, the alien aircraft hit a high-rise building and immediately roared and exploded into a broken fireball!

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