My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

Chapter 58 Wanda, mysterious power

In New York, the alien invasion is still expanding.

Less than half an hour.

Now, even in the urban area ten kilometers away, alien robots appear from time to time. You can imagine how fierce the battle in the central battlefield is.

Outskirts of the battlefield.

Bang! !

Wearing a peaked cap that covered half of his face and a jacket, the boy swung down like a spider silk. The moment his body landed on the ground, he followed up with a punch and knocked an alien robot on the street to the ground!

Crack! !

Tons of power were concentrated on this punch, and the chest of the alien robot was smashed and pierced, and the ground where it lay was cracked with several cracks!

Looking at the electric sparks sizzling on the broken body of the robot, Xi Nian exhaled a breath of turbid hot air, and looked up at the sky on the other side of the central battlefield with bright eyes.

The blue light column that caused the alien invasion is still continuing, glowing with a strong light that makes people despair.

Even if the blue beam can be turned off now, the alien army that has descended into New York has already taken shape.

New York, maybe it will really fall completely today!

"I have almost mastered the spider ability on my body, it's time to find Gwen." Xi Nian felt a sense of urgency in his heart. If New York City is really on the verge of falling, I am afraid that before New York completely gives up resistance, those congressmen and generals outside will have given up New York first.

Xi Nian was about to leave, but suddenly saw the ruins of a collapsed residential building next to him. A string of addresses was vaguely hung on the only surviving half of the door iron fence.

Originally, it was just an unintentional glance, but inexplicably, Xi Nian felt that this address was extremely familiar.

Recently, where have you seen it?

Xi Nian was shocked, and reached out to take out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. The address written on the paper was exactly the same as the current one!

A silver-haired figure flashed through his mind.

"Pete!" Xi Nian quickly rushed to the front of the building ruins and shouted inside.

No one responded.

This is natural. The whole house collapsed, and the surrounding area was full of charred marks from the bombing. It is very likely that Pete and his family had already evacuated.

If he really stayed inside, then now, there is basically no chance of survival.

Xi Nian was silent. He put his hand on a stone in the rubble of the building, closed his eyes, and used his extraordinary spider sensitivity to sense it carefully.

Under the ruins, in the cracks between the broken houses and the wreckage of furniture, there was no light.

There were dead things all around.

The only surviving girl lay motionless in the cracks between the ruins. She could not sense any light or sound from the outside, and could only hear her own weak breathing and heartbeat.

Even the air was very thin.

The girl really felt what it was like to wait for death alone. The only lucky thing in her heart was that her twin brother was not at home before the house was blown up.

The girl's consciousness began to blur.


Did I hear it wrong?

Suddenly, the girl opened her eyes reluctantly as if awakened, and vaguely heard the sound of turning over objects outside.

"I'm here..." The girl opened her mouth and wanted to shout, but she was so weak that her voice was so small that it was almost inaudible.

But the turning sound became more and more obvious, as if the man knew that the girl was here.


A very bright light from outside shone in, and the girl opened her eyes wide, and what came into view was a gentle boy's face.


Xi Nian forcibly turned over the ruins bunker, and saw that the survivor buried deep in the crack inside was a red-haired girl.

Should it be more appropriate to describe her as a loli?

The girl, about thirteen years old, was wearing a winter dress, and her whole body was covered with dirty dust.

Xi Nian didn't care, and carefully picked up the girl, lowered his head and asked: "What's your name?"

"Wanda..." The red-haired girl said weakly.

"You are Pete's sister." Xi Nian suddenly realized.

"Sister?" Little Wanda was stunned for a moment, lying in Xi Nian's arms like a wounded rabbit, and finally nodded timidly and asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

"Xi Nian Prince. I met Pete last night. I wonder if he mentioned me." Xi Nian said.

"Yes..." Little Wanda looked at Xi Nian blankly. She didn't expect that the person her brother mentioned yesterday would save her life again today.

"Pete is not at home, right?" Xi Nian asked to confirm

"No." Little Wanda shook her head with difficulty, and suddenly realized something. She stared at Xi Nian and struggled to look around: "My parents..."

"I'm sorry."

Xi Nian felt that he shouldn't hide it from the girl. He looked at her and said bluntly: "When I was searching just now, they were found first and had lost their life signs."

Wanda's body trembled violently.

In fact, the girl was buried in the ruins just now and didn't hear any sound, so she vaguely had this idea.

Until now, it was confirmed that Wanda's will finally couldn't hold on, and she fell into a coma with her eyes closed.

Xi Nian looked down at the unconscious Wanda, and held her a little tighter with his hands.

He could understand that a girl of this age who suddenly lost her parents would definitely not be able to bear the huge grief for a while.

And today, not only Wanda's family lost their family members, but countless families in New York were destined to be broken.

Xi Nian sighed and was about to take Wanda away with him in his arms and send her to a relatively safe place outside the city.

But, something unexpected happened!


One, two, three... six!

Six alien robots fell from the sky, surrounded and landed in the outer area of ​​the ruins, surrounding Xi Nian who was holding the girl on the ruins!

In addition, there were several small alien aircraft hovering in the low sky, staring at Xi Nian below!

"Are you coming for me?" Xi Nian's eyes were slightly cold. These alien robots were obviously communicating with each other. Since he had just killed some alien robots on the periphery of the battle, more alien forces were obviously sent to concentrate on encircling him.

There were alien enemies in the sky and on the ground...

If he was alone, the ability of the super spider alone would be a bit difficult.

What's more, he was holding an unconscious girl in his arms, so it was not easy to take action.

"I can only break out." Xi Nian was about to break out, but soon, he noticed something was wrong!

The alien robots holding guns on the ground and the aircraft hovering in the low sky seemed to be in a dead state and were motionless at this time - no, it should be said that a mysterious and strange powerful force controlled their bodies!

Unable to move at all!

Crack! !

First, the head of the first alien robot twisted 360 degrees autonomously, and a sizzling electric current flowed from its neck. Then, the heads of the other alien robots also twisted one after another. Not only did the alien robots commit suicide and die, but in the air, the parts of the small alien aircraft began to tear and disintegrate one by one.

Ding Ding Dang Dang! !

The alien mechanical forces that could have posed a threat to the super spider Xinian, before they could make a move, went to self-destruction in a dead silence, and turned into a pile of scrap copper and iron and fell on the ruins!

The spider ability was a strong warning!

Xinian quickly hugged Wanda and turned around, and saw another green-haired girl with smoky makeup, stepping on the metal parts all over the ground and walking behind him.

"Hi, little brother."

Lorna waved to Xi Nian with the same enthusiasm as when they first met, and her white and slender hands were surrounded by green fluorescence!

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