My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1231: Bloody wedding

After changing a body and carrying out a growth, the black silk brain painting has obviously made no small progress.

Sticky or simple... but at least it's colored!

"It seems that you can finally afford to buy colored pencils..." Ling Mo said.

Black silk snorted, ignoring the taunting of Ling Mo, and said: "This is all the routes we have been through now...including the streets and the hotel. The host, look at it and find out what is wrong? ?"

"Well..." Ling Mo looked at the other side of the picture... It was the map of the town that Black Silk painted according to the memories, the one they actually saw when they arrived. With the memory of the zombies... As long as they are willing to think about it, they can restore the details without any problems. Simply put, it's like a twenty-four hour monitoring machine, which is always on record, and it's fine. But most of them were left behind by their intentional or unintentional.

"We have been detours before." Lingmo found the same point on the two maps, saying, "Although the opponent tried to make us think that we were going straight, we actually just got around." The streets have gone a few laps. In the case of visual misdirection, the slight gaps in it are really something we can't feel."

"Yeah...but what can this explain?" asked Black.

That so-called commonality is not difficult to find... this hotel.

"(Long) (The wind is that they have to work hard to find a featureless residential building to be the first place to meet with us. Maybe we really can't find this soon. But the other side chose this hotel. It is also a good reason... At first glance, it is a good place for the yin to lay down." Black silk then snarled.

"Yes... and the detours unveiled a misunderstanding in our previous understanding." Ling Mo replied in a quick thought, "The opponent's ability is not strong enough to affect the whole town. It is actually just a The area is only. When we enter the building, the ability of the other party is likely to be maximized."

"Master, are you saying... contraction? Focusing on the scope of the building?" Hesi asked tentatively.

"Yes. This will help the other party to solve us more efficiently... but the same. This is also an opportunity for us." Ling Mo is a little excited.

As for whether it is... then you can see it...

After a few seconds...

"Well? The distance is getting dark..." The spirit body black suddenly stretched the body.

Crossing the tall buildings, it saw the connection point of darkness and light. It looks like there is an invisible boundary, this side is white and the other side is dark. Through the darkness, it must be the true moonlight.

"Then the person who changed the environment...what is it..." Xiao He looked at it. In the end, he locked his eyes in the center.

"If you want to maximize your abilities, you can only focus on yourself..."

The smaller the range. The chance that he can find the other person is higher...

And as Lingmo and his party went deep into the hotel, this area is still shrinking...

"Wait..." Li Yalin took the crowd and turned a corner not far from the stairs, and then stopped in front of a door. Her eyes switched to the state of the zombies again and looked up on the ground.

The rest looked at the door... The door was hidden, and there was a faint sign on the door, but the fine paper had already been stained with blood, and the white flowers around it became It's a bad thing that is full of plasma and messy things that don't know what to do.

“Isn't this a wedding scene here?” Mu Chen mouth twitched.

Everyone was silent...

"Well... I said, I did see a lot of low-cut suits and suits... I mean the following bodies." Yu Wenxuan added.

"Those clothes have become cloth strips, and you can still see the original shape." Ye Kai exclaimed.

Xu Shuhan gave them a glance: "The point should not be... why would anyone pay attention to the wearing of the body! But he said it is true..."

"That is to say, the other party not only put a joy, but also chose a wedding scene..." Lingmo looked around. Sighing, "It’s hard work..."

"Just inside." Li Yalin also finally confirmed at this time.

"吱" Shana took the lead and pushed the door sideways.

With the door open. The scene inside has also entered the vision of everyone.

The ballroom...and it’s still a dimly lit ballroom...

In addition to the messy tables and chairs, there are a lot of people.

At first, the skinny monkeys and others were shocked, but when they calmed down, they were all dead bodies.

They still maintain their original posture and sit in the seat with a bad eye, even the bride and groom are still there.

"I think they were actually preparing to tear up each other before they were born..." Mu Chen said with emotion. These two arms are indeed placed on each other's body, it looks like hugging...

"Marriage is a grave..." The skinny monkey also felt a sigh of relief, but suddenly received several pairs of white eyes.

"Hey!" Shana was particularly snorted.

"Yes... other people are also holding a **** feast..." Ye Kai and Zhang Xincheng looked at each other and the two men sneaked in with arms.

After some review, the two men each played a safe signal.

Ye Lian came to the red carpet in front of her own, and looked at the table in front of her.

There is still a ceremonial instrument on the table... It seems that the eyes have evolved into a variant, but at this time it has been silent, and looking at the stage with a pair of lifeless eyes.

"This is the most **** wedding scene I have ever seen..." Yu Wenxuan shrugged and said.

Ling Mo checked after the door, and then walked to Ye Lian.

Looking at Ye Lian's gaze, Ling Mo found that she was staring at the sorcerer.

This scene suddenly made Ling Mo’s heart move...

Think about it before... but never listened to Ye Lian and talked about the wedding...

However, he said that... For example, when I saw the tail of the wedding dress, I always thought about what would happen if I stepped on the foot...

"Why didn't you step on when your classmates got married?" Ye Lian sat on the sofa and hugged the pillow, and asked with a funny face.

"The groom will go away," Lingmo replied.

"Then you just think about it?"

"No, I am waiting to step on one and not be angry."

"Oh... anyway, you will be angry? Not the bride is the groom..."

"If she falls into my arms and the audience applauds, then no one is angry," Lingmo replied.

There was a slight pause in Ye Lian’s expression, and she smiled. “This is the most amazing wedding I have ever heard...”

"Yeah..." Lingmo left the keyboard of his work and looked back at her.

If the bride is you... then there is only good...

"Do you think of this too?" Lingmo tightened Ye Lian, and whispered in her ear.

I haven’t been able to respond to the leaf love, but I blinked at this time...

At the same time, everyone has already gone deep into the venue and began to carefully search for the body.

Li Yalin has been searching along the table, and the traces of those temperatures have become more obvious here, which shows that the other party has just dragged the body here.

"Just... where?"

Li Yalin stared at the ground and wandered around...

"These bodies are really embarrassing panic..." Mu Chen and others also searched around for help.

But just as the ancient frost passed by one of the bodies, the seemingly motionless female body suddenly shook her fingers, then slowly twisted her neck and looked at her...

And the rest of the bodies, at this time, have "lived" over and over...


The door began to slowly close down when everyone did not notice it...


When the door suddenly closed, everyone suddenly reacted. At this time, all the bodies suddenly jumped in an instant and rushed to the person closest to him...

"The trough!"


For a time, the sound of exclamation and the sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground came at the same time. The entire banquet hall suddenly fell into chaos, and the dim environment was darker.

"What the hell!"

"Where are the sneak attackers coming from!"

"Be careful, don't be touched by them!" Ling Mo also swept away a "squeaky" guy who rushed toward himself, then shouted after a familiar smell of the virus. "These bodies have problems." !"

The angry screams and screams of the time became more intense... If the hands were the bodies... they were all zombies! And still a senior zombie!

Now this situation is not all gathered together, but in a dispersed and complex environment.

Anyone caught is meant to be finished...except, of course, those zombies that were originally disguised as human beings.

Xia Na and other female zombies responded in the first time. When everyone could not see clearly, they quickly responded in the dark and immediately launched a counterattack.

Brush it!

After a fierce battle, the first zombies who rushed to the crowd were knocked down. The self-protected ancient frosts and others were forced to make room for Shana. They were dragged into the corner, and a group of people were fighting against the wall and the zombies that were constantly coming.

"Mom! I almost confessed!" Mu Chen gasped fiercely, and said with a look.

"But it's a bit strange..." Yu Wenxuan slammed a flame and instantly illuminated the face of a zombie who had come forward. The sly face suddenly made a few screams in the crowd, especially the deep visible bone on his face, the wound that had not healed...

"These zombies... no sound at all..." (to be continued...)


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