My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1004: Um...oh...

Chapter 1004 Um...oh...

“So, in the five years since you left City S, you have been helping Ye Xichen?”

  “Yeah, but mainly for myself.”

At that time, he wanted to achieve great results and return to Yu Anran as a winner. He wanted to see her regret giving up.

However, at this point, it seems that there is nothing more to say.

 “Of course, it’s all over.”

“You never told me about the five years you spent.” What would Kitano be like during those five years.

Bei Ye raised the corner of his mouth lightly, taking the opportunity to seek benefits for himself, "If you want to know, I can tell you slowly."

Yu Anran was silent.

 No response, but no refutation.

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you upstairs.”

Yu Anran moved out of the Yu family again. This time, she did not refuse.


The lights in Secretary Zhao's room were as bright as daylight. Leng Yanxi took a lot of effort to get the person upstairs. Now she slapped the drunkard and pushed him to lie down on the sofa. Leng Yanxi sat on the edge of the sofa. Keep fanning with your hands.

"I'm exhausted. When you wake up tomorrow, I have to pay you for your labor!"

Leng Yanxi was panting as she spoke, and there was sweat on her forehead, which showed that she had really worked hard along the way.

“Secretary Zhao, does your home have water?”

 “Toilet…” Secretary Zhao pointed in a direction.

Leng Yanxi sighed. If she faced a sober person, she probably wouldn't come in. Even if she did, she would be very reserved sitting in someone else's house. He would hold back when he was thirsty, and he would go back when he was tired.

 But now she couldn't bear it anymore, because she was tired and thirsty and had to face a drunkard who couldn't communicate normally. No matter how good her temper was, she could hardly hold back.

 “I don’t want to go to the toilet, I want to drink water, I’m dying of thirst.”

"Drink, drink water." Secretary Zhao repeated the key points of her words, and did not directly point her in the direction. He had to stand up and pull her in one direction.

 When I walked in, I realized that this was a kitchen.

There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. Leng Yanxi glanced at Secretary Zhao and said, regardless of whether he understood it now: "I am tired and thirsty because I sent you home. Is it okay to get you something?"

 He hesitated for a moment, then opened the refrigerator.

But when I opened it, there was nothing in the refrigerator.

 “What the hell!”

Such a large refrigerator was as clean as anything, making Leng Yanxi feel like a useless decoration for an instant.

The only idea is to put the kettle on, boil some water on the spot and wait for it to cool down.

"Secretary Zhao, if you wake up tomorrow and still remember this, you must know that I am not rude, but your own problem. I am your benefactor, and you should repay me."


Secretary Zhao seemed to understand, but also seemed not to listen.

Hearing the sound of water boiling, Leng Yanxi turned around and asked Secretary Zhao, "Do you have a cup?"

Secretary Zhao scratched his hair and thought for a moment, then pointed, "There!"

 There are cups on the cabinet against the wall.

Leng Yanxi reached out to take it off. When she took it off, her long sleeve accidentally touched something on it.

 It fell to the ground with a "pop" sound. Leng Yanxi squatted down to pick it up, but unexpectedly found some photos in the envelope.

There was a corner of the photo exposed. Leng Yanxi stared at it, feeling a little familiar.

 She took out a photo from the envelope, and the protagonist of the photo turned out to be himself!

why? why?



 (End of this chapter)

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