My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1005: stalker

Chapter 1005 Stalker

   Why is Secretary Zhao’s photo here?

From taking out all the envelopes, it can be seen that the photos she sent and sent are all places she has been to or things she has done every day.

 A creepy feeling instantly arose in my heart, as if I was being followed by a stalker!

Leng Yanxi immediately picked up her handbag and started to leave. When she was about to close the door, she turned around and saw Secretary Zhao who was still standing at the door of the kitchen and stepped back.

 Secretary Zhao is such a smart person. If he is sober, he will definitely not gain much benefit. It is better to attack now when he has no offensive power.

Leng Yanxi placed the photos directly in front of him, "Secretary Zhao, why do you have these photos here?"

 “Why do I have photos here?”

Secretary Zhao picked up the photo from in front of him, held it up for a glance, and then pressed the photo tightly against his eyes, "You can't see it."

“Oh, stop playing around and tell me, why do you have so many daily photos of me here?”

These photos must have been taken by someone following her. The only explanation is that she was being followed. The funny thing is that she never found out.

 But she remembered the outfit and the place she had been to, and it should have happened within three days.

“Secretary Zhao, are you following me?”

 “No, no, no.” Secretary Zhao shook his head repeatedly, denying it faster than anyone else.

 “Then what’s going on?”

"No..." Secretary Zhao shook his head and fell asleep directly beside the stool?


 “Secretary Zhao?”

 “Holy shit, you stinky man!” He kicked Secretary Zhao’s feet directly.

He was fine, but Leng Yanxi hugged her feet and hissed, "You ungrateful bastard!"

Leng Yanxi was about to slam the door and go out again, but she thought that she couldn't take advantage of Secretary Zhao so easily. She thought about waiting for Secretary Zhao to wake up and question her.

But after she came back, she couldn't help but think: If those photos were taken intentionally by Secretary Zhao, wouldn't Secretary Zhao be in danger?

In order to improve her personal safety, Leng Yanxi found something to tie Secretary Zhao's hands and feet.

 The next day, as the sun rose into the sky, Secretary Zhao finally woke up.

He wanted to be lazy as usual, but when he moved, he realized that he seemed to be restrained by something and couldn't move?

 When he opened his eyes, he found that the backs of his hands were tied to the legs of the chair, and even his feet were not spared.

 “Who! Who kidnapped me!”

Secretary Zhao roared excitedly, waking up Leng Yanxi who was lying on the big soft sofa.

Leng Yanxi rubbed her eyes, sat up and stretched, and suddenly found that the environment in front of her was a bit strange, as if it was not the room she usually saw when she woke up.

 Until Secretary Zhao burst out and asked from behind: "Hey, who are you?"

Leng Yanxi looked back and then remembered that this was Secretary Zhao's home.

Last night she **** Secretary Zhao while he was sleeping. Later, when she was too tired, she did it on the sofa. She found that the sofa was too soft and she accidentally fell asleep...

 Have slept till now.

Leng Yanxi straightened her clothes and walked over, looking down at Secretary Zhao.

Secretary Zhao looked up and saw Leng Yanxi, feeling incredible, "It's you. What do you want to do to me? Rob wealth or sex?"

Leng Yanxi: “…”

 How could she not know that Secretary Zhao, who usually looked mature and steady, had such a tone!

“Hmph.” Leng Yanxi took out the photo on the table and placed it in front of Secretary Zhao, and asked, “Tell me, what’s going on with the photo?”

   It’s not a secret love anyway



 (End of this chapter)

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