My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1018: Girl tastes good

Chapter 1018 The chick tastes good

 “No, don’t send me back.”

  When Yi Xueyao had not had time to see the drama of Yu Anran's break with Bei Ye, the disaster befell her.

She didn't expect that the people who asked her to pay back the money at the casino, and the two men who specialized in training women at the black shop, would suddenly appear in front of her, looking as fierce as if they wanted to peel off her skin!

"Please, I will change the money slowly, don't take me back." Yu Anran hid in the corner and struggled, but those fierce-looking men had no mercy at all.

 People from the black shop get angry when they see her!

"You girl escaped privately, and my two brothers were found guilty of poor guarding. Not only were they fined by the boss, but they were also almost fired!"

The anger in his heart was vented from his mouth, and the two people looked at Yi Xueyao as if they wanted to tear her into pieces.

Yi Xueyao was so frightened that she repeatedly begged for mercy, "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I don't dare to do it anymore. I will give you all my money. Please let me go."

Yi Xueyao still doesn't know that these people came here after Mrs. Yu reported the letter. She still has a bit of luck in her heart, hoping that these people can let her go.

 But whether it was because she was "entrusted by others" or for personal revenge, it was impossible for these people to treat her well.

"Let you go? Tsk tsk, how much dignity do you think you have? Let it go if you say let it go. Do you know how much our third brother has suffered because of you?"

Yi Xueyao had been taken care of in a black shop and knew the methods of these people, so she was frightened when she saw them. She couldn't think of any other way besides begging for mercy.

Yi Xueyao huddled in the corner and begged for mercy, "I'm sorry. I already know I was wrong. I will compensate you. I will compensate you."

"You're going to compensate? What are you going to do to compensate?" The man with the scar on his face said something harsh to her, and she was immediately frightened.

One of the two brothers suddenly came up with an idea, "Brother, last time I heard a guest say that the chick tastes good, why don't we try it too?"

Upon hearing this, the scarred man suddenly felt that this proposal was a good one.

"You're right. Anyway, we all suffer because of this woman. It's better to feel refreshed before sending her back. That's free."

“Brother, you are right, I mean the same thing.”

 “Hey hey hey.”

 As soon as the two men settled their attention, their expressions that were fierce and cursing just now turned into expectant and obscene expressions.

Yi Xueyao, who was huddled in the corner, clearly heard the conversation between the two brothers. Her heart was beating wildly, and she had no way out even if she wanted to.

Yi Xueyao put her hands on the ground and ran to the side.

But before she could even run to the door, she was pulled back by the two brothers who reacted quickly and hugged Yi Xueyao's waist tightly. "You still want to run away, but you really can't shed tears until you see the coffin!"

They pushed Yi Xueyao hard to the ground. They felt very happy when they saw Yi Xueyao falling to the ground and frowning in pain from the impact on her back.

“Yi Xueyao, I advise you to stop struggling and serve the two brothers well. Maybe we can be gentler to you.”

Yi Xueyao has now been completely imprisoned.

 When she was about to give up her struggle, she heard a horrifying conversation.

 “Brother, you come first or me now?”

"Why should you and me be so clear-cut? Why don't we just come together?"

Yi Xueyao was so frightened that she almost died, "No, you can't do this to me!"

 (End of this chapter)

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