My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1019: Used as a tool to make money

 Chapter 1019 Being used as a tool to make money

“Shut up and serve the two brothers well. When the two brothers are happy, they can be gentler to you!”

 The two brothers from the black shop were already interested and couldn't wait to press Yi Xueyao under them to vent their anger.

Yi Xueyao cried while struggling.

The two people were happy and even told her a few words, "Who told you to provoke people you shouldn't provoke? I can only say that you deserve it!"

Yi Xueyao, who was on the verge of despair, heard these unusual words, grabbed the scarred man's hand and asked: "What do you mean by this? Are you saying that someone deliberately harmed me? Who is it? Who is it?"

"Who have you offended and you don't know what to do with it? They are all **** and they deserve it!"


 Those two men didn't know how to be gentle to her at all, and Yi Xueyao was tortured miserably.

"Who wants to harm me..." Yi Xueyao wanted to find the answer from them, but it was impossible.

"You have to take responsibility for what you have done. You can't blame us, hahaha." The wretched man had something to say, but he still followed the rules of the road and didn't say much.

Yi Xueyao was unwilling to give in, but she was still taken back to the black shop.

She herself owes a huge amount due to gambling, and she will never be able to pay it back in her lifetime. She can only be used as a money-making tool by people in black shops.

Yi Xueyao was unwilling to give in, but she was also afraid of death.

 In order to live, she would not choose to be relieved even if she suffered all the humiliation.

Ever since the two black shop brothers had a taste of her, they couldn't help but look for her in private many times.

Now in order to survive, Yi Xueyao did not resist as before, but used the charming methods she had learned to get the two brothers closer to each other little by little.

Yi Xueyao has become smarter, and her life in the black shop has become easier.

 It’s just that she hasn’t forgotten who pushed her to this point, and she is still full of hatred in her heart!

Of course, no matter how obedient Yi Xueyao is, it is impossible to be released at this time.


 Besides, Yu Anran has been locked up at home for three days. During this period, Beiye came to see someone, and Mrs. Yu gave him a reason to send him away.

 But how could Kitano believe such a false reason?

“Even if Enron is busy with work, he will not be unable to receive a single call.”

Bei Ye thought that since Mrs. Yu didn't look anxious, it meant that Mrs. Yu knew that Yu Anran was safe at the moment. Mrs. Yu didn't want him to communicate with Yu Anran, and she obviously regretted what she had agreed to last time.

"Auntie, you just agreed to the matter between An Ran and me not long ago, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Huh, you ask me why? What qualifications do you have to question me, a mother? I am the only person in the world who loves An Ran the most. Who do you think you are!"

Whenever Mrs. Yu thinks about the people the kidney is related to, she becomes very angry.

Since Bei Ye asked and couldn't hide it, she made it clear to others directly, "It's because of you that you insisted on saving that **** Yi Xueyao, and my daughter An Ran almost lost her life in vain. Do you think I will still save her?" Would I leave my daughter to a man like you?”

Hearing the question, Kitano suddenly realized.

 “It turns out that Auntie, you already know about that matter.”

 The kidney transplant was known to Mrs. Yu, so it was reasonable for her to be angry.

Beiye tried to explain, but he always felt that something was wrong. It was her poor protection of Yu Anran that caused irreparable consequences.

Bei Ye internally blamed himself, so he was unable to refute Mrs. Yu's accusations.

 “I tell you, you will never marry my daughter in your life!”

 (End of this chapter)

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