My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 102: Ye Xichen’s new sister

Chapter 102 Ye Xichen’s new sister

The driver seemed to be as emotionless as a robot that only knew how to drive, and Ye Weiwei behind him had been teased to the point of being shy.

 But now this shyness is not sweet, it is mixed with bitterness...Farewell.

 “Little bell, you are mine.”

 “No!” She looked away, not daring to look into his eyes after all.

 They are not brothers and sisters, nor can they be lovers!

The **** past was cut open, and the cruel devastation of reality overwhelmed the budding feelings.

Even the "enemy" she has kept silent about may be the one she has called daddy for many years. How can she feel at ease calling her biological father!

  When she got close to the Yejia villa area at night, scenes from the past gradually became vivid in her memory.

She clasped her hands tightly and looked away, fearing that she would collapse.

 “Get off!” This sentence is said to the driver.

The driver quickly disappeared from their sight, and Ye Weiwei couldn't even move because she was still held tightly by Ye Xichen's hand.

Ye Xichen shifted his gaze to her face and suddenly laughed, his hoarse voice carrying an irresistible pressure, "You really can't wait to grow up? My...only one."

Zi Ye's only reaction was to relax his pulling gesture.

One hand held Ye's only left hand, and the other hand touched the bell on her wrist.

 Gently tossing it, the sound of the silver bell is still clear and loud.

  Immediately afterwards, Ye Xichen's request made Ye Weiwei suddenly dumbfounded.

 He said, "How about giving it to me?"


When Ye Xichen and Ye Weiyi walked to the gate of Ye's villa at the same time, they found someone carrying suitcases, white, pink, and some decorations, all in girly colors.

Ye looked at Ye Xichen in surprise. Ye Xichen's face was expressionless and there was no explanation. It was obvious that he didn't know what was going on.

These things cannot be Ye Xichen's or Madam Ye's, and now that Ye Weiyi is leaving, who is going to all the trouble to move these things?

Strange things attracted the only part of Ye's attention. She bought the house one step ahead of Ye Xichen. The coquettish whispers and gentle laughter coming from inside made her stand there awkwardly, neither leaving nor entering.

Ye Xichen held her shoulders and walked forward.

There were two people sitting in the hall at the moment. One was Mrs. Ye, who was elegantly dressed and elegant. There was also a strange face that she had never seen before. She was a girl in a floral dress. She was petite and cute. She looked about fifteen years old. .

Mrs. Ye just pretended that she had not seen Ye Weiwei, and only stretched out her hand to greet Ye Xichen, "Chen'er, come here quickly. Today, mother will introduce you to someone."

Ye Xichen frowned, obviously in a bad mood.

Madam Ye didn't seem to know his dissatisfaction. She directly pulled up the girl next to her and walked to stand in front of Ye Xichen. She introduced the person next to her with a smile, "Her name is Li Mo'er. She is temporarily staying at our house. From now on, you can You have to take care of her like your own sister.”

After talking to Ye Xichen, he turned to Li Moer and said, "This is what I told you. My son Ye Xichen is three years older than you. You can call him Brother Chen, Ang."

Mrs. Ye secretly pushed Li Moer.

Li Moer immediately understood, smiled and implicitly called "Brother Chen"

 “Tsk…” Ye Xichen showed a mocking smile.

 “How come I didn’t know when you had an illegitimate daughter?”

In recent chapters, the names "Hua Qianhui", "An Qingyan (Qiao Anyan and "Li Moer" have been chosen. The names are not enough. If you think of them, you can leave a message in the book review area.

There is another question:

Cute and talented babies, what do you think our family’s fan nickname should be? Come use your little brains and explode your little universe~

Qixi has chosen two favorites. Let’s vote for our family’s fan nickname:

1. Cute little deer (deer is the homophone of road)

    2. Qibao (the little treasure of Chinese Valentine's Day)

Little cuties, you can directly reply with the number below which one you like.

Or if you are lovely and have better opinions, you can leave a reply below. If you are selected by Qixi Festival, you will be rewarded with a red envelope~~



 (End of this chapter)

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