My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 103: The only secret diary of night

Chapter 103 Ye Weiyi’s Secret Diary

 “How come I didn’t know when you had an illegitimate daughter?”

 The taunt almost made Madam Ye lose her appearance, while Li Moer lowered his head as if frightened, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

This scene was seen by Ye Weiwei, and there was an indescribable sense of violation.

Mrs. Ye quickly found a way down the stairs for herself, "Chen'er was so happy to see her sister that she deliberately told a joke. Mo'er is the daughter of my old friend, and she is living in our Ye family from now on."

"not my business."

Ye Xichen replied lightly, turned around and touched Ye Weiwei's head, and whispered in her ear in a calm and soft tone: "Let's go."

Just when the two of them took the first step up the stairs simultaneously, Madam Ye finally put on a straight face, "Chen'er! What are you talking about? This little girl came to a foreign place alone. You, the elder brother, You should spend time with others."

“Mother, this is not a shelter. All cats and dogs can be let in.” Ye Xichen spoke mercilessly. He glanced at the girl standing next to Madam Ye who was trembling with fear, with disdain in his eyes.

Mrs. Ye wanted to shout something else, but Li Mo'er beside her held her arm and kept comforting her, "Aunt Ye, don't be angry. It's Mo'er's fault. It's not enough to satisfy Brother Chen."

Without a few words, Li Moer shed several tears, looking soft and weak...

 “Don’t cry, Mo’er, Auntie is fine.”

 There seemed to be a drama of loving mother and filial piety going on downstairs.

Ye Weiwei felt weird from the beginning, until he heard the conversation between Madam Ye and Li Moer, combined with Li Moer's words and deeds, Ye Weiwei felt like he was getting a spiritual shock all over his body!

Li Mo'er's petite figure, color preference, including her expressions and movements when she is shy, aren't they the only reflection of another night? She even had the trait of being a crybaby.

 I really can’t wait.

She has lived in Yejia for many years, and everything here has different memories.

 She kept packing things in her hands, resisting the urge to shed tears as she took away some of her important things.

 She collected the most precious relics of her parents, including a note containing a special diary.

While checking things, she took out the dried flower branches from the wishing bottle and accidentally brought out a small pink roll smaller than her thumb.

  The small pink roll was under the suitcase, and no one found it until the night when I dragged it except the room.

Since Ye Weiwei returned here to pack her things, she had already agreed with Ye Xichen about her departure.

Ye Xichen will not stop him now, because he has figured out that the Ye family, Ye Weiyi, really cannot live in it.

 Changing places does not mean the relationship between them is over.

When Ye Weiwei dragged her suitcase through the hall, she even wanted to say a nice goodbye to Mrs. Ye, but when she touched Mrs. Ye's wanton and mocking expression after she succeeded, Ye Weiwei's face froze and she couldn't hold back a word. talk.

He even deliberately asked Li Mo'er to go upstairs, "Mo'er, go take a look at your new room. If you are dissatisfied with anything, just tell me."

Li Moer responded obediently.

 Her room has that nice girly look. Although it looks nice, it has no characteristics.

Li Mo'er saw that Ye Yiyi was half open, so he pushed the door open and walked in by accident.

Some things have been taken away here, but she can still see the exquisiteness of this room. Many of the visiting objects are in the shape of animals, which is particularly beautiful.

Li Moer looked at the room carefully, glanced at the ground casually, and suddenly saw a small pink roll at his feet.

  The secret diary was picked up



 (End of this chapter)

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