My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1023: Pregnant with Liujia

Chapter 1023 Pregnant with Liujia

Beiye didn’t expect that when he was feeling lost and about to leave, he would actually see Yu Anran walking towards him.

At that moment, he couldn’t even believe his eyes!

"Ran Ran?"

"it's me."

  "You're actually here. Isn't this just a daydream?"

Beiye never imagined that Yu Anran could get into his car in the presence of Mrs. Yu.

 It’s really incredible.

Yu Anran saw that his usual cleverness had turned into a fool at this moment, so he reached out and tapped his forehead, "Stupid."

 She explained to Kitano, "My mother asked me to come here."

 As a junior, I try my best to consider the mood of my elders and force myself to do things, but Mrs. Yu has really changed a lot nowadays.

  He is no longer as domineering as before, and he also knows how to consider her mood.

To be fair, Yu Anran is very grateful for her mother's consideration.

 Kitano also made a promise, "Don't worry, I will definitely perform well and strive to get my mother-in-law's forgiveness as soon as possible."

Hearing his scornful tone, Yu Anran raised her fist again, but in the end she still didn't hit him.

In order to allow Yu Anran to take care of her health, Mrs. Yu has now banned Yu Anran from going to work in the hospital.

Yu Anran still couldn't let go of the company's affairs, and at the same time she couldn't bear to let her mother work so hard, but Mrs. Yu was determined to restrain her this time, and she didn't know when she even joined Kitano.

Yu Anran was forced to become a "jobless vagrant".

Whether it is Kitano or Mrs. Yu, there is only one common requirement for her now, "Don't worry about any work. The most important thing now is to maintain good health."

Hence, Yu Anran and Ye Weiwei found resonance.

 Because these two people are prohibited from working due to physical reasons!

However, Yu Anran was recovering from illness, while Ye Ziwei was pregnant.

She is currently in her sixth month of pregnancy and her belly has grown. She always says she has gained weight.

Originally, all the sisters around her had to work, and she was the only one to pass the time by studying music and composing. Now that she learned that Yu Anran and she had "the same problem," the two of them could get together and... spend time.

 “Alas, there is no place for heroes!”

 This is already the tenth time Ye sat at the table and held his chin in his hands to sigh.

 She and Yu Anran are obviously business material, but it is not appropriate to work hard now.

Yu Anran can also go out for a trip to pass the time and relax her mood, but the pregnant woman in Liujia can only stay at home and do moderate exercise.

Yu Anran is not willing to leave her relatives and people she likes and run around. When she can't work, she will find a lot of books and information to read, so she won't waste time.

“But it’s still boring. Liuli used to be the best at weekends, but she hasn’t been home for a month now.”

"Oh why?"

 “Just hide from people, just...”


Ye Weiwei was halfway through his words when Yu Anran understood.

Nangong Luo's confession can be regarded as announcing the official end of the pure friendship with Gong Qianli.

Gong Qianli, who was originally the most heartless, also became fearful and simply hid in the police station without seeing anyone.

 “What about Nangong Luo?”

“Brother Nangong has been on a business trip recently, and there is no important news.”

 “He just gave up?”

"Not every relationship can be as unremittingly persistent as Kitano's devotion to you. You two are in love, but he has unrequited love."

 “I want to meet Liuli.”

 (End of this chapter)

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