My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1024: Homicide and disappearance cases

Chapter 1024 Homicide and Disappearance Cases

“We received an alarm call from the West Alley. Someone is missing. We immediately dispatched people to follow up.”


The information officer couldn't help but add another sentence, "Why are there always troubles in Xixiang lately? No suspect has been found in the previous murder case, and now there is another missing case."

Gong Qianli, who was looking up information, immediately became interested when he heard about the disappearance case.

  When I transfer people over there, I will automatically ask for help and say, "Captain Li, I'm going to go."

Cases involving human lives cannot be delayed. Knowing that Gong Qianli has always been active, he named her name this time.

 Although she is a female, both her grades in the police academy and her performance during the internship were outstanding. Everyone commented on her that she was enthusiastic and passionate about her work.

The only shortcoming is that Gong Qianli's sense of justice is too strong. Every time she sees someone being bullied or catching the murderer, she is too impulsive and can't hold her breath.

 Fortunately, no major mistakes have been made so far, and the superiors at the police station also understand that she is young and energetic, and needs to hone her patience in practice.

Concerning the disappearance case, they went to the home of the person who called the police to do some research.

The people who called the police were a middle-aged couple named Sun, and the missing person was their 18-year-old son Sun Qianjin.

Sun's father told them, "My son went out yesterday to play with friends, but he didn't come home at night. We didn't have his friend's phone number, so we asked him from the school teachers and classmates who he played best with, but he didn't give it to him at night. After contacting my friends from school, they all said they had never seen my son.”

Sun’s mother pressed her forehead with one hand, obviously overly worried.

People from the police station also found his good friends at school and learned about Sun Qianjin one after another.

Eighteen-year-old Sun Qianjin is a senior high school student and the only child in his family. He is very important to the Sun family and his wife.

Sun Qianjin is just like his name, he is very good in studies. As soon as he walked into his room, the walls were all decorated with his certificates.

Gong Qianli silently sighed in her heart that she was a top student.

If it weren’t for the fact that someone was missing now, she would have really wanted to take a photo of the room full of awards and post them on social media.

 Of course, finding talents is the key!

 said that Sun Qianjin has excellent grades and a good temper. He is a good student who is praised both at school and at home.

But such a good student disappeared, and the only seedling in the family disappeared. Naturally, the Sun family and his wife were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

Now that they have found the police, Sun's father still has some sense and can answer their questions normally, but Sun's mother is emotionally broken. One moment, she holds their hands and begs them to find her son, and the next moment, she runs out, shouting. I want to find my son back.

“Has Sun Qianqian been acting strangely at home or at school recently?”

"No, my son works at two o'clock and one line every day. He goes to school in the morning and comes home after school. He rarely goes out, so when he tells us that he wants to go out to play, we just think that he is going to relax."

 “In addition to his behavior, what about his mood?”

  When the police asked these questions, the Sun parents shook their heads, "My son goes home every day and studies in his room except during meal time. He hardly communicates with us."

Sun’s parents said they didn’t understand, but Sun Qianjin’s deskmate told them, “He must be in a bad mood recently.”

Qixi is still struggling with Liuli’s emotional line, Nangong Luo? Gu Chengxi?



 (End of this chapter)

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