My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1048: The Gu family is going to give a betrothal gift, you should be worried

Chapter 1048: The Gu family is going to pay a betrothal gift, you should be worried

"Da da…"


As Gu Chengxi approached, Gong Qianli took one step back and bumped into the door.

“Sure enough, when I heard Luo’s name, my reaction was so big.”

 “Don’t talk nonsense!”

“In the name of liking me, in the end, because of Luo’s confession, my mind was completely disturbed.”

"I don't!"

 “Huh.” Gu Chengxi saw through it without saying anything.

 Where is she not here? It's obviously a profound influence.

The refusal that was eloquent and calm just now is now only a perfunctory denial, and there is no clear explanation at all.

Gu Chengxi said calmly: "Since you don't have it, why not be my girlfriend? Make it easier for everyone and make the most of this matter."

Gong Qianli asked back: "In your opinion, things like feelings are measured by the effects they produce?"

In Gu Chengxi’s thinking, he believes in a truth, “No matter who you are, everything you do has a purpose.”

"That's not the case." Gong Qianli retorted, "Just take the fact that I pretended to be the grandfather's daughter to accompany him. Do I have any intentions towards him?"

"It doesn't count as an attempt, but the purpose of doing this is to make him feel at ease."

 “Me???” The purpose she thought was different from the purpose mentioned by Gu Chengxi!

“Gu Chengxi, I don’t think we can talk anymore.” Gong Qianli lowered her head and sighed. Her strong arrogance just now instantly weakened her appearance, because she could hardly take Gu Chengxi’s comments any longer.

Gu Chengxi lowered his eyes, seemed silent for a moment, and said calmly: "Go out."

"Okay, bye." Gong Qianli waved goodbye at this moment, and Gong Qianli did it very smoothly.

She used to wish she could spend more time with Gu Chengxi, but maybe people have bad nature, and the best thing is what they can't get.

Gong Qianli thought about finding a reason not to come to the hospital.

The old man is not a dying patient. She is a person with her own life. She cannot stay for several years for a stranger, right?

However, before Gong Qianli left the hospital and before she had time to explain to Mrs. Gu, Mrs. Gu unilaterally began to prepare the betrothal gift!

 Gong Qianli did good things in the hospital, and almost everyone thought she was doing it for Gu Chengxi.

Especially when Mrs. Gong came to ask her specifically, "We all know those things, are you looking for an excuse to go to the hospital to accompany the doctor again? You were shy last time. You said you are still shy with me."

Gong Qianli couldn't argue, "Mom. This matter is really a misunderstanding. I didn't go there just for Gu Chengxi."

“Come on, stop covering it up. Last time you were forced to stay in the hospital because of Dr. Gu.”

 “It was the same before, but it’s different now.”

“Really or falsely? You have to tell me the truth...”

 It's too late, Mrs. Gu has already asked someone to deliver the betrothal gift.

Mrs. Gu was very happy. She couldn't help but go there even though she didn't attend the ladies' exchange circle all year round, hinting that good things were coming for her eldest son.

Before the matter was completely finalized, Mrs. Gu did not reveal the identity of the other party, but in addition to the Gu family and the Gong family, the Nangong family naturally also knew the inside story.


  Nangong family.

Mrs. Nangong: "Luo'er, I heard today that the Gu family has hired someone from the Gong family."

“…” Nangong Luo didn’t respond, but the tip of the pen in his hand fell on the paper, leaving heavy marks.

Mrs. Nangong sighed deeply. While she felt sorry for her son, she had to remind him, "This time, you should be more careful."

 (End of this chapter)

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