My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1049: Giving birth to the heir to the Nangong family

Chapter 1049: Giving birth to the heir to the Nangong family

"You are no longer a child. You are the only male in our Nangong family. You must leave the next generation of heirs."

 “Mom, I know.”

“What about the meeting I arranged for you before?”

"I promise."

Hearing what Nangong Luo Yingnuo said, Mrs. Nangong breathed a sigh of relief. There was no overly happy expression on her face, but her mood was really relaxed. "Good boy, it will be good if you agree."

Mrs. Nangong’s so-called arrangement is to get Nangong Luo married.

Nangong Luo's current situation is no longer just about letting young people talk after a blind date. As long as he feels that the other person's character is okay, whether he likes it or not, the family will consider a direct marriage.

After Mrs. Nangong left, Nangong Luo picked up the pen and made a circle and a cross on the paper.

  When he thought about the responsibilities that fell on his shoulders, he sometimes felt a little breathless.

 The next generation...successor...

How can he leave a child with another woman?

The Nangong family selected three people based on the information of girls of appropriate age, and then asked Nangong Luo to meet with them respectively.

Nangong Luo pointed casually, "That's it."

 He didn’t even know who he had chosen after choosing, but he just showed up as promised.

 The woman opposite had a mature style. After the two met, Nangong Luo had no intention of chatting. The other woman's expression was also very serious, not shy at all.

The woman suddenly made a request, "I want to change to a private room."

Nangong Luo raised his eyebrows and did not refute.


I don’t know what the other party’s intention was. After changing to a private room, Nangong Luo calmly faced the woman face to face. Neither of them seemed to have the consciousness of being in a blind date.

But as a man, Nangong Luo couldn't be too rude even if he didn't like it.

When he was about to take the initiative to announce the commercial marriage, the other party raised his hand and pressed it on the table, making a "bang" sound.

 Already know each other's names before meeting. Since it is not for a blind date, there is no need to introduce ourselves.

 The woman who was on a blind date with Nangong Luo was called Zhong Yun.

 Zhong Yun is not like those shy women who come for a blind date, she has a clear purpose.

“Mr. Nangong, we all know the reason for coming here today, but I can tell you clearly that I have a boyfriend.”

 “Oh, so, why is Miss Zhong coming?”

Zhong Yun sat back and sighed, "You also know that we are born in this kind of family. Many things are out of our control. To be honest, my boyfriend's family does not have any status background, so they do not agree."


“I heard that Young Master Nangong is not willing to marry, so I want to try my luck and see if we can reach an agreement?”

"you say."

“We pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend, you are free to do your own thing, and I am free to be with my boyfriend.”

“Since your family doesn’t agree now, they may not agree in the future.”

"It's just that I haven't thought of the best solution for the time being. It can only be postponed for a while." Zhong Yungan explained her affairs clearly. She only needed to wait for Nangong Luo's answer.

"Mr. Nangong, if you find someone you like or someone you want to marry, we can terminate the agreement at any time. How about it? For people like us who have no intention of getting married, this deal is a good deal."

 Zhong Yun has nothing to hide.

 Her calmness made this matter very simple.

Nangong Luo suddenly stood up.

 (End of this chapter)

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