My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1057: Gu Nangong, love rival

Chapter 1057 Gu Nangong, love rival

Originally thinking that Gu Chengxi would not respond to her words, Gong Qianli was about to leave, but she heard Gu Chengxi's special tone, "What a coincidence.

 Wow, I was really flattered to get such a genuine response from Gu Chengxi.

“Dr. Gu, did you take the wrong medicine today?”

 “Miss Gong, be careful what you say.”

“Hey, you are just a few years older than me. Why do you speak so sophisticatedly? I am just joking with you.”


"Yeah." Gong Qianli nodded along with his words, thinking: Just leave if you're bored.

But Gu Chengxi seemed to be deliberately going against her. Gu Chengxi didn't respond when she approached her before. Now she had lost her mind, but Gu Chengxi started to fight with her!

"Miss Gong, last time you concealed your identity and deceived the patient out of kindness, but then you found an excuse to leave. The patient couldn't get sick and has already passed away."

"What?" Gong Qianli raised her eyes in disbelief, "Doctor Gu, what do you mean by this?"

Gu Chengxi asked back: "Miss Gong made such a surprised expression, is she afraid that his death has something to do with you?"

Gong Qianli took a deep breath and said, "Gu Chengxi, please tell me clearly, what does it mean that his death is related to me?"

Thinking of the last time she was mistaken for her daughter by an old man because she did something good, in order to make the old man feel at ease, she pretended to be her daughter and stayed with him for a while. Later, she made excuses to leave and never went back. Now half a month has passed, and Doctor Gu suddenly told her that the old man had passed away...

This news was really hard for Gong Qianli to accept.

 I even wonder if it was because I made excuses to leave and never visited the old man again, which caused a psychological gap in the old man?

Gu Chengxi seemed to know what she was thinking. He took a step forward and told her softly, "It's just what you thought. He was used to a life without a daughter, but your sudden appearance of kindness made him miss you. Then you suddenly left, and he was depressed." And finally."


Gu Chengxi’s soft words seemed to explode in Gong Qianli’s mind.

"What you said is true..." She looked at Gu Chengxi, unable to accept those words.

Gu Chengxi asked without changing his expression: "Why should I lie to you?"

Gong Qianli opened her mouth slightly, and the corners of her mouth trembled, "Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know..."

 She didn’t know that she had done bad things with good intentions.

"I have no idea…"

“Of course you don’t know, the self-righteous young lady, you do whatever you want, and you never care about how much impact your appearance or departure will have on others!”

Guchengxi's character is Zhuji, and he is pressing forward step by step.

Gong Qianli leaned against the wall, feeling depressed and feeling deep self-blame.

 “I don’t know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Gu Chengxi refused to let it go. Every word put pressure on her heart and increased her self-blame. "Your apology is not enough to save a life."

The atmosphere was high, and she clasped her hands tightly together, feeling a sense of panic in her heart.

Nangong Luo suddenly stood up and placed one hand between Gong Qianli and Gu Chengxi.

He asked Gu Chengxi calmly, "What did you say to her?"

Gu Chengxi raised his eyebrows, looked at Gong Qianli meaningfully, and suddenly sneered, "Some self-righteous people are just doing whatever they want. I really don't know how you would really like such a woman."

Nangong Luo protected Gong Qianli without hesitation regardless of the reason.

“You don’t need to judge what kind of person she is!”

 (End of this chapter)

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