My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1058: Nangong Luo protects Liuli unconditionally

Chapter 1058 Nangong Luo unconditionally protects Liuli

“You don’t need to judge what kind of person she is!”

Nangong Luohu was in front of Gong Qianli, and everyone could see his strong desire to protect him.

Gu Chengxi was a cold-hearted and venomous person, but when he saw this scene, he did not restrain himself deliberately.

“Nangong Luo, if you stand up for her today, it won’t change the fact.”

"I don't care what the facts are, I only know that she will not deliberately harm others." Nangong Luo's eyes were calm and his words were firm.

Gu Chengxi moved his eyes to the distance and said, "Hey, you have time to stand here and speak for her, why not take a look at the woman standing behind you."

"As a girlfriend, it feels uncomfortable to see your boyfriend ignore you and protect another woman." Gu Chengxi gave a meaningful sneer and turned away.

There are still three people left, but this relationship is even more awkward.

 Gu Chengxi and Zhong Yun have a cooperative relationship, so there is no need to worry about whether Zhong Yun will be sad or jealous.

He turned around and nodded to Zhong Yun. The two of them understood each other, and Zhong Yun turned and left.

 But in Gong Qianli's eyes, this scene became a perfect understanding and understanding.

She suddenly remembered what Ye Weiwei had said before. Many things had changed in the casual encounter. She originally thought that Nangong Luo would be hurt, but she didn't expect that he and Zhong Yun already had such a tacit understanding.

Yes, she always does things with her own thinking, but she never thought that maybe Zhong Yun and Fang Yu broke up and happened to meet Nangong Luo.

It was as if Nangong Luo happened to meet Zhong Yun after his confession failed.

If she were Zhong Yun's friend, would she also question: Nangong Luo clearly likes someone else but suddenly agreed to be together, which is not sincere.

“Liu Li, are you okay?”


Gong Qianli was thinking about something and didn't even hear Nangong Luo's question.

Nangong Luo touched her and said, "Liu Li."

This movement and sound finally brought Gong Qianli back to her senses.


"I just called you, what were you thinking about? Is it what Brother Gu told you just now?"

"I..." She couldn't say in front of Nangong Luo that she was jealous of his tacit understanding with Zhong Yun, so she had to follow his words smoothly, "Yes, yes."

Nangong Luo was silent for a while, but finally couldn't help but ask tentatively: "What did he say to you just now?"

In fact, when he asked this question, Nangong Luo was not sure. He was not sure whether Gong Qianli would tell him the truth or say something like "This is a secret between me and Gu Chengxi."

Gong Qianli pointed outside.

 The two of them walked out in tacit agreement and found a quiet place.

“Actually, he just told me...”

Gong Qianli told Nangong Luo everything she had encountered in the hospital.

Nangong Luo patiently listened to her little story and comforted her, "This is not your fault."

“No, it’s my fault. If I hadn’t brought him temporary happiness, that old man might still be alive today.”

“Liu Li, you have to remember that it’s okay to have a kind heart. If everyone thinks about the negative consequences of doing something good when they do something good, will there still be kind deeds in the world?”

For example, if the director considers that he will be injured when rescuing people and refuses to save them, and the doctor who performs the operation simply gives up because he thinks the operation will not be successful, then there will be no good results from the beginning.

“But maybe this matter will affect the relationship between you and Brother Gu.”

 “Luo, actually I...”

 (End of this chapter)

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