My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1059: Nangong Luo: Fool, good night

Chapter 1059 Nangong Luo fool, good night

“Luo, actually now I...”

Gong Qianli was just about to say that she had no interest in Gu Chengxi now, when Nangong Luo's cell phone rang.

It was a call from Zhong Yun, telling him that he had something to do and had to leave early.

Nangong Luo replied, "Be careful on the road."

Gong Qianli, who was very close to him, naturally heard Nangong Luo's "concern" for Zhong Yun. Perhaps jealousy was at work, and she forgot what she wanted to say in a fit of anger.

After hanging up the phone, Nangong Luo saw her unhappy look and promised her, "But Liuli, I will help you."


Nangong Luo reached out and patted her head very gently.

 “Ouch! Don’t hit me on the head, I’ll become stupid!”

 “I’m already stupid, but I still blame others for knocking me on the head.”

“Nangong Luo, are you looking for a fight?”


That moment of interaction made Gong Qianli feel like she was back in the past, but when she looked at Nangong Luo again, she was startled to realize that things were different now.


 After going to the hospital, Gong Qianli felt that her relationship with Nangong Luo had eased a lot.

 She spoke in the space with only two simple words: Good night.

  It was already one o'clock in the morning, and she was about to fall asleep after posting, but she didn't expect to see comments popping up in the space before she turned off the Internet.

 There are only two comments like her signature: Good night.

However, the person who liked this comment instantly is...Nangong Luo.

this late…

Gong Qianli sent a message in the private chat window: [It’s so late, why haven’t you rested yet]

Nangong Luo quickly replied: [Aren’t you the same]

Gong Qianli: [I am cultivating immortality and overcoming tribulations]

Nangong Luo: [Sorry, I have successfully overcome the disaster]

Gong Qianli: [Succeed, you big-headed devil, if you want to succeed, I must do it first! ]

Nangong Luo: [Fool, go to bed early, girls tend to get older if they go to bed late]

Gong Qianli: [Nangong Luo, if you dare to scold me, come out and fight]

Nangong Luo: [Come on, I’ll wait for you in the room]

 Gong Qianli: [guna]

At this time, Nangong Luo suddenly sent a voice message, "Go to bed early, good night."

The voice that came at night was full of tenderness and magnetism. Gong Qianli suddenly felt that her heart was tickled by that voice.

The naughty opponent this time is the same as before, but I can feel that there is something different.

Gong Qianli pressed the record button and said "good night", but did not let go.

 In the end, the voice was still not uttered.

 Growing up, I have met many people and many things, but nothing has ever made Gong Qianli so anxious.

However, when she woke up the next day, she unexpectedly received an invitation from Nangong Luo.

Nangong Luo said that he wanted her to meet someone.

Gong Qianli went there, but she didn’t expect to see a little boy.

 This little boy is the one from the hospital, and at this moment, there is a woman standing next to him.

Gong Qianli didn’t understand Nangong Luo’s intention.

Just when she was about to speak, the little boy ran towards her, hugged her thigh and shouted, "Sister."

Gong Qianli felt bad.

 She was thinking of finding that family to apologize yesterday, but she met them today.

 She thought Nangong Luo was creating conditions for her to apologize.

But before she could speak, the woman followed closely and walked towards her, "Are you Miss Gong?"

 “I am Gong Qianli.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman held her hand and said, "Miss Gong, thank you very much."

【Do you feel Brother Luo's love for Liuli? 】



 (End of this chapter)

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