My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1060: Such a gentle man

Chapter 1060 A super gentle man

Gong Qianli accepted the thanks from others with a confused look on her face, but was this different from the plot she imagined?

 “Why do you want to thank me?”

“Miss Gong took my place and accompanied my old father for a period of time. Although that time was not long, it left a very good memory in my father’s heart.”

Gong Qianli’s face was filled with questions: “???”

This is completely different from what Gu Chengxi said!

“Isn’t it because I played you that that grandfather had a psychological gap..."

"How could it be? Although my father was a little confused and thought you were me, he asked me when he was about to leave at the end. He must thank you, Miss Gong. Because of your company, my father left peacefully without leaving any trace. Sorry."

That's what the woman told her.

 Including the little boy, they also nodded.

Gong Qianli learned the truth from the person involved, and was finally able to let go of something in her heart.

After seeing off the mother and son, Gong Qianli sighed deeply, "I can't believe it, things are so circuitous."

“So Liuli, you have done a good thing, so you don’t have to blame yourself.”

 “Luo, thank you.”

"Between us..." Nangong Luoshun wanted to refute that thank you. It should be said that there is no need to say thank you between us, but at this point, he changed his words and responded to her thank you and said: "You're welcome."

Gong Qianli didn't notice the change in his tone for a moment, and followed the matter with another question, "If this is the case, then why did Gu Chengxi lie to me? He is such a strange person."

Gong Qianli frowned, as if confused or displeased.

However, when Nangong Luo heard the words "Gu Chengxi" from her mouth, his mood would be affected.

“He’s a bit unpredictable in what he does. Since he’s willing to tangle with you, maybe he’s got some thoughts on his mind.”

Although Nangong Luo rushed out to speak for Gong Qianli immediately that day, he later thought about it. If a cold-blooded person like Gu Chengxi hated someone, he would not bother to say a word.

 But unfortunately, he chose a bad tone and struggled with Gong Qianli for so long.

This is the first time this has happened.

 “What are you thinking about? I think he just hates me.”

 “Everyone is born different.”

Gong Qianli retorted, "He is cold-blooded and unkind."

Nangong Luo said casually: "But you still..." You like him, don't you?

 The second half of the sentence is really hard to ask.

Nangong Luo looked up at the sky, then glanced at Gong Qianli, "Liu Li, I still have some things to deal with."


 “Now that your matter is settled, I’ll leave first.”

"Oh..." If she didn't feel that Nangong Luo was deliberately alienating him at this time, she would be a fool!

However, what she didn't know was that Nangong Luo turned around and went to another place after leaving, where someone was waiting, the woman and child that Gong Qianli saw just now.

“You wait here obediently while mommy says a few words to that uncle.” The woman lowered her head and said a few words to the child before turning to the other direction with Nangong Luo.

The woman directly reached out to Nangong Luo and asked for something, "I performed well just now. It's time for Mr. Nangong to pay the other half of the fee."

Nangong Luo took out a check and pressed it on the table, "I don't want the fourth person to know about today's events."

【Now that I see Nangong Luo, I just want to use the title to describe him】



 (End of this chapter)

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