My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1078: Being tricked into going on a date by Dr. Gu

Chapter 1078: Being tricked into going on a date by Dr. Gu

“Qianyu, can you do me a favor?”

Nangong Luo, who has been unable to let go, plans to give himself another chance.

He calculated that tomorrow was Saturday, so he asked his cousin Gong Qianyu to help test it out, "Ask your sister if she has anything to do tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Brother Luo, are you looking for your sister? Why don't you ask yourself?" The child was straightforward and spoke directly.

Nangong Luo had his own plan. He just revealed, "Because brother wants to give your sister a surprise."

 But this put the little cousin in trouble, because he had just heard: "Sister has an appointment tomorrow, and she seems to be going to find someone named So Gu."


This surname is so sensitive to Nangong Luo!

Nangong Luo followed that sentence and asked, "So, does Qianyu know where your sister will go?"

"I know this!" The little cousin scratched his head and said one after another: "In a place called Sunshine Garden in the city center!"

 “Thank you Qianyu.”

"Brother Luo, are you going to find my sister tomorrow and give her a surprise? Can you take me to watch and eat melon?" The little cousin was single-minded and did not understand the meaning.

He also couldn't see how ugly Nangong Luo's face was on the other end of the phone.

 But his tone still sounded gentle, "I'm not sure about this yet. Can I tell Qianyu then?"

 “Okay, okay! It’s settled!”

Gong Qianyu and Nangong Luo verbally signed a confidentiality agreement.


Gong Qianli had to go see Gu Chengxi because there was a case in the police station that was handled by a doctor named Gu Chengxi. In order to complete the task assigned by her superiors as early as possible, she had to do something on Sunday. After all, you are a new employee, and the most important thing for a new employee is to be diligent!

She thought she was going to the hospital to get it, but she didn’t expect to go to a restaurant like Sunshine Garden. She had no intention of eating.

Looking at the geographical environment, Gong Qianli felt that it was probably because that place was relatively close.

 She was so defenseless.

 But when she arrived at Sunshine Garden, she realized that this restaurant was a little different from what she usually saw?

"You can't be wrong..." Gong Qianli looked at the address carefully to confirm that it was correct.

This Sunshine Garden is surrounded by flowers outside, and even the door has a balloon door that looks like a wedding ceremony. The whole environment is like a small wedding scene...

She speculated to herself again, "Is there someone here to treat you today?"

 But this is not right either! Considering Cheng Xi's character, how could he survive in such an environment?

Gong Qianli was confused and asked Gu Chengxi to send him his current target address.

Although Gu Chengxi disliked her reflex arc, he still showed it.

Click on the map to see your current location.

Gong Qianli walked in with curiosity and found that the inside was even more... exquisite.

 There are not many dining tables as expected. It is very spacious, the environment is very elegant, and there is the sound of violins.

etc? The sound of a violin? A romantic setting?

 Is she really not wrong?

Just when Gong Qianli was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly heard Gu Chengxi's cold and clear voice from behind, "Gong Qianli! Stop."

Gong Qianli: "???"

She turned around with questions in her mind, and was even more surprised when she saw Gu Chengxi.

"Doctor Gu, what's going on..."

Gu Chengxi’s eyes moved slightly and he walked towards her.

  【Wipe a handful of bitter tears】



 (End of this chapter)

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