My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1079: Lock her up and cultivate feelings

Chapter 1079: Lock her up and cultivate feelings

 In this warm scene setting and romantic atmosphere, Gu Chengxi slowly walked towards her.

Gong Qianli couldn't help but take a step back.

 “Stop!” Gu Chengxi said coldly, it was a taste that could not be refused.

His right hand suddenly stretched out and handed a document bag in front of her.

Gong Qianli: "..." Sure enough, she was overthinking. How could someone like Gu Chengxi be related to such a fancy scene.

Gong Qianli breathed a sigh of relief, accepted the things readily and thanked him, "Thanks, Doctor Gu."

Seeing Gu Chengxi standing there without moving, Gong Qianli didn't know what he was going to do, but she already wanted to leave.

Gong Qianli turned around and pointed in the direction of the door, "Then, shall I leave first?"

 But when she raised her feet and had not taken the first step, Gu Chengxi suddenly passed her, stretched out his hand, grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside.

 “Hello, hey?” Gong Qianli was completely confused by his sudden series of actions!

Just when she was about to break away violently, Gu Chengxi let go of her hand on time, but at this time they had already arrived at a long table that was not exquisite.

This scene looks like a place where a loving couple is having a romantic date.

Gong Qianli frowned and asked doubtfully, "Doctor Gu, what are you doing?"

Gu Chengxi's explanation of the word "like gold", "Eat."

"Eating in this environment? Doctor Gu, please don't try to trick me..." Because she "understands" Gu Chengxi's behavior, Gong Qianli will never associate the word "romantic love" with Gu Chengxi. , so she can't understand what's going on now?

Gong Qianli looked around uneasily, trying to find if there was anything strange around her, but she didn't find anything strange.

Gong Qianli put down her words first, "Dr. Gu, we have no grievances, so don't scare me here. Thank you very much for sorting out the information over the weekend. I will remember to highlight your seriousness and responsibility to the director. And great abilities! Goodbye.”

Gong Qianli really no longer has the idea of ​​staying with Gu Chengxi to cultivate a relationship now, so she not only talks about it, but also shows it in her actions.

But as soon as Gu Chengxi raised his hand, the glass door separating this romantic small room was closed.

There is a window on one side, a wall on the other side, and transparent glass on both sides. It looks very beautiful, and its sturdiness effect is also very good!

 In short, it cannot be opened without remote control or password.

Gu Chengxi sat down calmly, curled his right fingers and tapped the table twice, and said softly, "Sit down."

Gong Qianli finally calmed down, "Fuck, Gu Chengxi, are you serious?"

“There is no doubt that all this was carefully arranged by my mother.”

"What's the meaning?"

Gu Chengxi chuckled softly: "If I don't keep you here for dinner today to satisfy her inner thoughts, she will do more immeasurable things to disturb me."

 “So you’re using me as a shield?”

 “Who made her misunderstand what you thought you were going to do?”

"Me?" She didn't like to take the blame. "It was obviously the time you asked me to get in the car that I misunderstood you!"

Gu Chengxi continued calmly, "It seems that I was blamed for doing something good."

 “You! Okay, I’ll explain it clearly to Aunt Gu now.”

 “If the explanation had worked, you wouldn’t be here today.”

 “Then what do you mean?”

"Stay well. After today, I will have reasons for her not to bother me anymore, including you."

 (End of this chapter)

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