My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1114: Gong Qianli's belly is bulging

Chapter 1114 Gong Qianli’s belly is bulging

 I don’t know when, there was a snowman downstairs.

Ye Weiwei looked at it in surprise. Even his eldest son smiled and stretched out his little arm to point at the snowman downstairs.

 He is too young to go out to catch the cold.

But the only thing Ye knew was that it was Ye Xichen's promise.

 She promised to build a snowman with her every year when it snowed, but last year she was not allowed to do it because she was pregnant, so this year she built it by herself.

 The original intention is fulfilled, that’s probably it.

"Qingfeng, can you stop being naughty in the future and learn from your dad to be a mature, steady and responsible man, okay?" Ye Weiwei grabbed the child's two restless little hands and said a long list of words to him Words he didn't understand.

However, the boss smiled back with dignity and reached out to touch her face.

As soon as Ye Xichen entered the house, he saw the naughty kid "behaving badly" on Ye Weiwei's face. At that time, he almost yelled, "Don't take advantage of my wife!"

But thinking that such words were really stupid, Ye Xichen went over to **** the person away, pretending to be serious and said: "He is too noisy, I will take care of him."

 What is the relationship between Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen? Can she still know Ye Xichen's thoughts?

Hold it up to save face, but when he turned his back, he burst out laughing.

She wanted to go down to see the snowman, but Ye Xichen stopped her.

 “It’s cold outside, but it’s warm inside.”

 She answered smoothly, "Yes, it's warm."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Weiwei's expression changed.

 The sincere smile just now had disappeared without a trace because she thought of her third daughter, Mo Xiangnuan.

 “Nuan Nuan…”

Even though so much time has passed, once her memories are brought back, she feels extremely painful inside.

Even if she has never had any real contact with that child, that child has appeared in her life and now that it has disappeared, it is destined to become a permanent scar on her heart, a scar that cannot be healed!

Ye Weiwei tilted his head slightly and covered his mouth with his hands, tears flashing in his eyes.

Biting her lip with her teeth, she tried hard not to make a sound.

 But once the emotion came out, he couldn't help but let out a small sob.

“My Nuannuan, will you see this first snow like me?”

Ye Xichen held her son with one hand and gently hugged her into her arms with the other hand, all the comfort was in silence.

Just because he doesn't say it doesn't mean he doesn't feel distressed.

On the contrary, it was precisely because of his heartache that he couldn't speak. He couldn't even say the only words to persuade Ye not to be sad, because he was not feeling well inside either.

Perhaps, somewhere far away, there is a baby sitting on the bed, babbling and looking at the snowflakes outside the window.


 As the New Year approaches, everything around us starts to become lively and bright.

 Ye Weiwei had just finished feeding her child when she received a video pop-up from Gong Qianli.

Through the video, Ye Weiwei pushed the stroller with two children in front of her to "show off" to her.

After reading it, Gong Qianli commented specifically, "Well, not bad, my godson and goddaughter are really good-looking."

The two of them were chatting about ordinary things in the video, and suddenly they heard Gong Qianli’s roommate’s name.

Gong Qianli turned to her roommate and waved her hand, "Hey, come on."

 “If you have something to do, go and do it.”


Gong Qianli joked with her before leaving the camera, and seemed to have returned to the cheerful Liuli before.

When Gong Qianli stood up, Ye Weiyi blinked. Before he could see clearly, the video had been hung up.

She didn’t know if her perspective was wrong when she glanced at her. Why did she feel that Gong Qianli’s belly was bulging?

  【Everything depends on the title, hehehe】



 (End of this chapter)

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