My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1115: It was me who worked hard at night, tired

Chapter 1115 I was the one who worked hard at night, tired

 The lively New Year is coming soon.

 Because two children were added to the family, the originally deserted Yejia villa became very lively.

 The relationship between Ye Weiwei and Mrs. Ye has also become more and more harmonious because of the two children.

 “Feng’er, Zhiruo, come to grandma.”

  Children over half a year old can already crawl. The girl is quiet and the boy is active. The eldest child must be watched by someone at all times, otherwise he will climb up and down and be restless at all.

 Mrs. Eve used to be a noble lady, but now she has been promoted to a grandmother. She is willing to accompany her grandson and granddaughter all day long, and is very tolerant of the two children.

Ye Xichen, his biological son, had never received such treatment when he was a child. Comparing this, the two children are so happy!

 The only thing I can enjoy at night is leisure.

 During the New Year, everyone starts visiting each other.

 Gong Qianli is missing this year, but Xia Xiyun’s arrival is an unexpected surprise!

Xia Xiyun, who has officially entered the acting industry, is very unfree. In the past six months, he has had a 100-day banquet with his two children.

But this New Year, she had time to visit relatives and friends, and when visiting friends, she even brought her boyfriend with her.

Ye Weiwei heard that Xia Xiyun was coming and originally said that he would pick her up at the airport in person.

But Xia Xiyun refused directly and said, "I've been in S city for two days and I don't need you to pick me up."

Xia Xiyun spoke directly and had no other meaning. Ye Weiwei was curious, "Then where do you live now? Why didn't you tell me earlier."

Xia Xiyun’s home is not here. If she comes to S city, wouldn’t she be alone?

oh! etc!

 I remembered, Xia Xiyun’s home is not here, but her boyfriend’s home is!

When Ye was the only one to react, Xia Xiyun happily told her, "Xingye and I are together. We have agreed to come visit you together. I miss those two little darlings."

 So many years have passed, Xia Xiyun has changed from the little girl who didn't understand love and didn't believe in love to a woman who loves love.

 Her character is still as cute as before, and the things she does are much calmer than before.

Ever since the accident in college, Xia Xiyun has kept her word and has never had a random boyfriend again.

 She worked hard to achieve her goals and finally got closer to Han Xingye.

  The superior male **** she looked up to at the beginning has now become her equal boyfriend.

 The most rare thing is that others often say that the entertainment industry is a mixed bag of good and bad, and it is most likely to cause trouble, but these two people have stayed true to their original intentions and remained consistent.

 This kind of fate can be encountered but cannot be sought!


Xia Xiyun said he was coming and showed up in front of their house that day.

Xia Xiyun and Han Xingye came in one after another. Han Xingye was holding a bunch of big and small bags in his hands.

 “Wow, did you bring so many things?”

Xia Xiyun pointed out a few items and explained to her, "I brought them back when I was shooting abroad. The skin care products are for you. And these are clothes and toys for the children. There are a lot of them."

Before she had time to explain, she couldn't wait to see the two children, "Xiao Qingfeng and Xiao Zhiruo are so cute, I want to have one."

Han Xingye immediately agreed, "Then just give birth to one."

 “Go, go, go, it’s not you who’s in pain, it’s so easy to say.”

“So, I’m the one doing the hard work at night, I’m tired.”

 “Han Xingye! How come you can say everything!”

 “Oh, we are all adults.”

【The CP designed in the play will roughly tell everyone the ending. There is not much plot between Xia Xiyun and Han Xingye, it is just a transition time for Liuli to leave. But...the ending of the two of them may be...emmm not very good. 】



 (End of this chapter)

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