My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1129: Hoshino, let’s get married.

Chapter 1129 Hoshino, let’s get married.

“My boyfriend is still the same as what I just said. You won’t know until you meet him.”

Xia Xiyun still didn’t say what genre she liked in the end, but her words were deliberately posted online by netizens. Some people complained that what she said was fake, while others thought it was worth collecting.

If you like someone, you can’t generalize your personality, because when you like him, everything about him is the best.

 Xia Xiyun has really become popular because of the launch of "The Prosperous Age of Chang'an". Now there is a steady stream of films, and some people have even given the position of the heroine.

However, she also became very busy and only had time to sleep when she returned home every day.

 This month, she could hardly spare any extra time to accompany Han Xingye.

However, Han Xingye supported her from beginning to end and never said a word of dissatisfaction.

 After dragging her exhausted body back home one day, she lay directly on the bed.

"are you tired?"

 “I’m tired.”

 “Would you like to take a break?”

 “I want to, but now is the best time.” This is likely to be a period of great change for her.

Han Xingye squatted beside the bed, Xia Xiyun turned his head in one direction, and the two looked at each other, staring at each other quietly.

Xia Xiyun slowly reached out and grabbed his palm, "I'm sorry, I've been too busy during this period and I didn't even talk to you properly."

"Fool, our days are no longer here. When you complete your goal, the rest of your time will belong to me." Han Xingye stared at her, his eyes gradually becoming gentle.

Xia Xiyun saw the deep affection in his eyes, and her heart was filled with ripples.

She suddenly sat up and said in a serious tone, "Hoshino, let's get married."

Han Xingye suddenly picked her up, dragged her body with his hands, put his head out and touched his forehead, overflowing with laughter, "This kind of thing requires a man to take the initiative."

Xia Xiyun pretended not to care and sighed, "Well, just pretend I didn't say it."

Han Xingye is so scared!

 “Hey, don’t regret what you say!”

 “Then it depends on your performance.”

 “Let you see how this handsome man performs tonight.”

Xia Xiyun lay down tiredly, and Han Xingye carried her directly into the bathroom to take a bath. The result was of course... indescribable.

Xia Xiyun suddenly became popular and was even nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Award.

Xia Xiyun was so excited when she got the news.

When she returned home and saw Han Xingye, she was so excited that she ran over and jumped into his arms. She hugged him like flying and never let go.

 “My dear, I was nominated! Wow, I’m so happy!”

Regarding Xia Xiyun's current achievements, she will be very happy whether she wins or not if she is nominated, because the nomination is already a kind of recognition for her.

“My family is certainly the most powerful.”

 “I’m so happy, so happy!”

Xia Xiyun was really happy to see it, and the smile on her face blossomed.

Han Xingye thought that one of his plans could start!


 The day when the awards are presented, everyone is looking forward to it.

Xia Xiyun sat in it and kept praying that his wish would come true.

Xia Xiyun closed her eyes and spoke into the headset, "My God, I'm so nervous."

 A voice of comfort immediately came to my ears, "Don't be afraid, no matter what the result is, you are the best."

 The two of them couldn't sit together casually, but they kept communicating.

 When Xia Xiyun was at the stage where she was most concerned, she suddenly felt that the voice on the stage was particularly loud.

“Who will win this year’s Best Supporting Actress Award?”

 (End of this chapter)

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