My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1130: Xia Xiyun, I must get you!

Chapter 1130 Xia Xiyun, I must get you!

“Who will win this year’s Best Supporting Actress Award?”

Xia Xiyun grabbed her skirt with both hands and pricked up her ears to hear clearly.

  She couldn't even listen to the complicated preface when the host read it, and at that moment she held her breath waiting for the answer.

“The winner of this year’s Best Supporting Actress Award—Xia Xiyun.”

 Continuous applause broke out on the field, and Xia Xiyun's anxious heart finally fell.

  She stood up from the crowd, held up her skirt, and walked gracefully onto the podium.

“Please invite our presenter to present the award to Miss Xia Xiyun.”

  When she received the trophy on her behalf from the award-presenting guest, she was extremely excited.

“First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your recognition of my strength, and I would also like to thank all the crew of "The Prosperity of Chang'an"..."

Xia Xiyun stood on the stage with her head held high and expressed her inner feelings to everyone, expressing her gratitude to all aspects in a virtual and real way.

 Finally, her eyes fell on a certain place in the banquet, and her eyes softened.

"I am able to reach this point thanks to the support and encouragement of some special people. They gave me the courage and perseverance to move forward. I want to tell them in front of everyone that I will not let you down. expect!"

 Finally, she bowed to the audience and said, "Thank you."

 After her acceptance speech, she politely left the stage.

 The supporter came over and continued the ceremony, "Okay, thank you Miss Xia Xiyun..."

When Xia Xiyun walked down with the trophy in her hand, she felt that it weighed thousands of kilograms. It was so heavy that she couldn't put it down.

The award ceremony was still in progress. Xia Xiyun stood up and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Xiang Yan before he even appeared.

Xiang Yan smiled brightly and said, "Xiyun, congratulations, you are well-deserved for this award."

Xia Xiyun nodded slightly, "Thank you."

Winning the award gave Xiang Yan another reason to date her. Xiang Yan said directly: "To celebrate your winning, let me treat you to dinner."

Xia Xiyun declined politely, "Why do you have the nerve to let Senior Xiang Yan spend money? I appreciate your kindness."

It was obviously a polite and distant greeting, but Xiang Yan deliberately added it to the drama, "You want to thank me, why don't you come up with something practical?"

Xia Xiyun smiled and pretended not to know, "What does Senior Xiang Yan mean?"

Xiang Yan did not answer and asked instead: "What did you say on stage to thank "The Great Age of Chang'an" when you won the award just now?"

“Of course I would like to thank everyone on the crew of "The Great Chang'an" for their help and the director for giving me the opportunity."

“That’s right, I’m your partner. You should be most grateful to me for winning the award now, right?”

Xia Xiyun's expression froze for a moment, but she still pretended to be calm and calm, "Yes, thank you, Senior Xiang Yan, for your guidance."

“Then why don’t you treat me to dinner? As a thank you, how about that?”

“Okay, I’ll treat Senior Xiang Yan to dinner next time when I have the opportunity.”

“It’s better to choose a day than to hit it. I think today is pretty good.”

“I’m sorry, Senior Xiang Yan, I really don’t have time today. I’ll wait until next time. I’ll definitely invite you next time I have a suitable opportunity.”

Xia Xiyun refused without hesitation, nodded slightly to Xiang Yan and left.

Xiang Yan found it quite interesting to see her avoiding him.

Until Xia Xiyun's back appeared in front of him, Xiang Yan touched his chin with a meaningful smile in his eyes, "Interesting, only such a woman is challenging, Xia Xiyun, I must get you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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