My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1132: A man with evil intentions

Chapter 1132: A man with evil intentions

The matter of winning the award has come to an end, but the topic of "Prosperous Chang'an" is still at the forefront.

Xia Xiyun's agency plans to focus on cultivating her, and even wants to find a role for her with good resources while the iron is hot.

Xia Xiyun has a lot of resources, but after selecting them, he found that there are not many good resources.

That day, her agent suddenly told her that a very good resource came to her door and wanted to invite her to audition for the heroine.

Xia Xiyun prepared carefully, and the audition process went extremely smoothly.

  She was still wondering if she had been cheating in the past two months? Lucky? Everything you do is smooth.

 But she regretted it before she even walked out of that door, because she met Xiang Yan here.

Xia Xiyun wanted to take a detour when she saw Xiang Yan, but when Xiang Yan saw her, it was like a big bad wolf seeing a little sheep.

“Xiyun, what a coincidence. I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Being called out clearly, Xia Xiyun could no longer pretend to be "blind" and could only turn back to deal with Xiang Yan, "Hello, senior Xiang Yan."

Xiang Yan pointed to the direction she came out and asked, "Are you here for the audition?"


"How is the result?"

“I don’t know yet, I just auditioned and am waiting for the result.”

Xiang Yan chuckled and said firmly: "Don't think about it, you will definitely get the best role."

Xiang Yan's confident tone made Xia Xiyun feel strange, but she could only agree, "I borrow the good words from senior Xiang Yan."

Xiang Yan shamelessly asked for a topic, "Xiyun, why are you always so polite to me? We have been together on the crew of "The Great Age of Chang'an" for so long and we work together so well. We can be considered friends after all, right?"

Xia Xiyun responded euphemistically, "Senior Xiang Yan is a good actor worthy of learning from me. I'm afraid Xiyun cannot be called a friend."

Xiang Yan is such a smart person, so of course he understood the meaning of Xia Xiyun's words.

But when it comes to chasing women, he knows that persistence is the key.

Just like now, even if he understood Xia Xiyun's rejection, he had to pretend that he couldn't understand the underlying meaning.

Not only that, he also kept looking for topics to talk about, "Look, I'm only a few years older than you, and you just call me "senior" and make me look like an old man."

Xia Xiyun really wanted to run away!

Xiang Yan seemed to have noticed her thoughts, so he mentioned her perfunctory invitation to dinner last time.

“Xiyun, are you free today? Last time you said you wanted to treat me to dinner, but I always remembered it.”

 “Xiang Yan!”

Xia Xiyun was annoyed and called out his name.

The scene suddenly became quiet. Xia Xiyun took a deep breath and returned to her senses. She softened her tone and said, "Senior Xiang Yan, I have been really busy recently. If there is a suitable time, I will definitely treat senior to dinner to express my gratitude. ”

 She kept saying "looking for a suitable time", but in her opinion, there was no suitable time for her to invite Xiang Yan to have dinner with her.

It's all just prevarication.

  She knew that people like Xiang Yan could understand.

 But what she didn’t know was that Xiang Yan would not stop eating a prey until he took it into his mouth!

Xiang Yan turned around and walked into the place where Xia Xiyun had just auditioned.

 He greeted the director skillfully, "Director Li, what do you think of the advice I gave you before?"

"The people introduced by Mr. Xiang are naturally good. We have known each other for many years. I believe in your judgment of people."

“In that case, how about Director Li do me one more favor?”

  【Such misery is about to begin, QAQ, don't hit me】



 (End of this chapter)

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