My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1133: The beginning of Xia Xiyun’s nightmare

Chapter 1133 The Beginning of Xia Xiyun’s Nightmare

Xia Xiyun received a reply the day after the audition.

 Her audition was a success!

 “Ah ah ah I’m so happy!”

 She was excited and soon started negotiating the contract.

 The director of "The Prosperity of Chang'an" also contacted her and learned about her recent new drama.

“I know Director Li too. Why don’t you come with me to a dinner party the day after tomorrow? I’ll introduce you to some people.”

Xia Xiyun was of course willing to accept a director among his peers who was willing to promote him.

She took her manager to the banquet and met Director Li as soon as she got out of the car.

 After polite greetings, the two walked side by side.

 When they entered, they found that several people had already arrived, including men and women, some familiar and some unfamiliar.

Xia Xiyun smiled and faced everyone. The director of "The Prosperity of Chang'an" was really helping her, and the people he introduced to her were all well-known in the circle.


Xia Xiyun's good mood was ruined a lot by the next person who appeared.

 Because Xiang Yan is here.

Since Xiang Yan, that intense gaze has been cast on Xia Xiyun, which makes her very repelled.

  But in such an occasion, she even had to use her acting skills. She could not show her true emotions, but wanted to show all the perfect sides of herself in front of everyone as much as possible.

Xiang Yan tried every means to get next to her.

Xia Xiyun cannot be avoided.

“Xiyun, I didn’t expect that we are so destined to meet each other again just two days ago.”

Xiang Yan asked her to talk, and Xia Xiyun smiled back.

“I heard that your audition was successful this time and you have got the role of the heroine. Congratulations.”


“Well, it seems like everything I hear from you is either a thank you or a rejection. It’s really hard for me to want to make friends with you.”

“It is basic courtesy to express gratitude. Senior Xiang Yan is naturally my friend.”

 They won't suffer any loss by verbally admitting that they are friends. In their profession, it is also necessary to apply acting skills to people's interactions.

Xiang Yan raised a glass of wine and gestured to her, and Xia Xiyun also raised her own glass and clinked it with him.

Xia Xiyun originally wanted to find her agent, but when she saw what her agent was talking to Director Li, she didn't dare to interrupt.

The waiter came over with a tray. When he first arrived in front of Xia Xiyun, he seemed to trip over something and accidentally spilled the drink on her lap.

 The skirt is wet.

With so many people present, it was difficult for Xia Xiyun to pursue the matter directly. When the waiter apologized, she waved her hand and stood up, "I'll go to the bathroom to deal with it."

 The agent will naturally follow him.

It was embarrassing to have this kind of thing happen, and others just treated it as a minor incident and deliberately didn't mention it.

 Just after Xia Xiyun left, Xiang Yan also left quietly.

Xia Xiyun wiped her skirt in the bathroom, but it was still wet.

It’s hard to go back like this, so she has to wait for her agent to bring her a new set.

Xia Xiyun took care of things for a while in the bathroom, and suddenly felt a little heavy in her head.

 She patted her face with water, took two steps outside, and held on to the wall outside to stand firm.

Xiang Yan didn't know when he appeared beside her, "Xi Yun, what's wrong with you?"

 “Head, a little dizzy…”

 She reached out and pressed her head. The feeling was uncontrollable.

"Call up."

 She didn't trust Xiang Yan, so she reached out to touch the phone.

 But before she took her phone out of her bag, Xiang Yan had already grasped her hand tightly.

“Xiyun, you are drunk, I will help you to rest.”

  【Be mentally prepared...】



 (End of this chapter)

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