My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1146: Xia Xiyun quits the entertainment industry

Chapter 1146 Xia Xiyun quits the entertainment industry

 Because of Xia Xiyun's relationship with Han Xingye, the Han family's parents also paid great attention to Xia Xiyun.

  Photos of Xia Xiyun and Xiang Yan together and rumors of a scandal broke out on the Internet. Naturally, the Han family's parents were unhappy after hearing this.

If it were just a scandal, that would be it, but Xia Xiyun stepped out of the circle. The accumulation of these two things would magnify the hidden danger several times in an instant.

The parents of the Han family called Han Xingye before, but the reasons given by Han Xingye were not trustworthy, so they decided to come and see for themselves.

 Mainly because Han's mother was anxious, Han's father was forcefully pulled over by Han's mother.

The Han family's parents were still polite when they came. Han's mother treated Xia Xiyun with the same enthusiasm as before, but Xia Xiyun was unsure. When she faced her parents, she only wanted to prevent them from worrying, but when facing Han Xingye's Parents, the pressure is even worse.

Han Xingye used the same reasons to deal with the Han parents. Obviously, Xia's mother was mainly caring, while Han's mother was mainly focused on detecting facts.

 Han’s mother was not easy to fool, so she quickly discovered the clues.

 The relationship between Xia Xiyun and Han Xingye is not as sweet and natural as before, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that.

 Han's mother deliberately sent Han Xingye away, and what happened next was naturally... to find out the truth!

“So, a lot of things have happened recently, and I feel really uneasy. Can you tell my aunt, what exactly happened?”

"Is someone bullying you? If you have anything, just tell your aunt! My daughter-in-law of the Han family cannot be bullied by others."

Han's mother said this from the bottom of her heart. She thought something had happened to Xia Xiyun's career, so she was in a bad mood.

The Han family has a rich family background. Now that they have identified Xia Xiyun, they will treat her as a member of the family. Knowing that something is wrong with her, they want to stand up for her as a good example.

It's just that Han's mother kept saying "bullying", and all her well-intentioned concerns turned into sharp knives and stabbed Xia Xiyun's body, leaving her heart full of holes!

“Auntie, this is my problem and has nothing to do with anyone else.”

"Ono told us that you were planning to get married, so he made the request for you to quit the entertainment industry?"

 “No, it’s not. It’s my problem.”

Xia Xiyun knew that as long as she insisted that she quit the entertainment industry because of her marriage, the Han family's parents would have nothing to do with her, but she couldn't tell her.

 Really...can't say it.

If Han Xingye hadn't been watching over her these days, maybe she wouldn't have the face to stay here.

“So, we are going to be a family soon, so don’t stay out of touch with me.”

“I also know a bit about things on the Internet. Those paparazzi can fabricate anything for money. They even show photos of who you are renting a room with. These rumors are really hurtful!”

 Han’s mother seemed to be trying to defend her, but she still deliberately brought up Xiang Yan’s matter.

Xia Xiyun has always been thinking of luck, but now, she still has to face it.

“Auntie, things are not as rumored on the Internet, please believe me.”

“Of course I believe you, but we have to figure these things out, otherwise there will always be people with evil intentions spreading rumors and causing trouble, what do you think?”

Xia Xiyun shook his head, "This matter is very complicated and cannot be explained clearly in a few words, but I will handle it well. Thank you Auntie for your concern, I will handle it well..."

 She said this not only for Han’s mother, but also for herself.

 Han Ma nodded, "Okay then."

It's just that she didn't investigate Xia Xiyun in front of her face, but she had already found Xiang Yan behind her back.

 (End of this chapter)

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