My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1147: Her parents found out about her

Chapter 1147 Her parents found out about her

"I said, don't be suspicious all day long. Yun Yun is a good girl. You have to believe that your son has the ability to make his own judgment."

"I know she is a good girl, but now they are hiding something and won't tell us. I have to find out the reason!"

 Han’s mother insisted on going her own way, and Han’s father couldn’t stop her.

 Originally, Father Han was a strict father and Mother Han was a loving mother, but when it came time to be reasonable, Father Han knew what was appropriate, while Mother Han wanted to solve everything for her son.

Xiang Yan is now lying in a private villa. He has specially invited a doctor and is not allowed to let anyone know about it.

Xiang Yan was of course full of resentment, but he couldn't do anything until he recovered from his injury. He finally realized the indescribable bitterness of eating Coptis chinensis for a mute.

 “This **** Han Xingye, I will never let him go!”


Xiang Yan was almost crippled last time. His muscles and bones were injured for a hundred days. He only had two or three days. Apart from saying harsh words to show off his power, it hurt even when he moved.

"Master, don't be angry. Let's wait until you recover."

The person who spoke was Xiang Yan's little attendant, who had been helping him do bad things in his ear. Wasn't he the one who poured wine on Xia Xiyun that day?

Xiang Yan exhaled, "I asked you to check Han Xingye's recent movements. What did you find out?"

"We sent people to observe. Xia Xiyun's parents and Han Xingye's parents went to find them respectively. I was for marriage."

"It's about the wedding... Hey! We are going to get married, right? I will give a big gift to the Han family for my young master. Just say that this is my young master's wish."


Xiang Yan has never been a kind person, and he will never give up until Xia Xiyun obeys. Now that Han Xingye has taught him a lesson, Xiang Yan feels even more resentful.

He was so evil that he asked someone to send photos of himself and Xia Xiyun together to the Han family.

Han's mother was already investigating Xiang Yan. When she received this "gift" from Xiang Yan, she was so angry that she almost fainted.

 “I just said something happened, and it turned out that…it turned out to be like this…”

 Han’s mother pointed at those photos, she was so angry that she didn’t know how to describe it.

 Everything she saw was so unbearable and unbearable that this happened to her future daughter-in-law!

"No wonder the two of them are so weird. It turned out that such a shameless thing happened. Fortunately, I was kind enough to say that I would protect her yesterday. This is how she let down our Xiaoye!"

 “Well, there may be a misunderstanding about this...”

“Misunderstanding? Since you said so, let’s ask with evidence and see what answers they two give!”

Han's mother grabbed the photo angrily and then thought, "Xiaoye will definitely defend her, I have to ask alone."

Mother Han muttered a few words, then turned to look at Father Han. Father Han knew that he had to be responsible for distracting Han Xingye again so that Mother Han could do things...

But this matter involves his own son, so Father Han is obliged to do so.

Han’s mother went to find Xia Xiyun with the photo. On the surface, she was still the same as before.

Han’s father made excuses to lure Han Xingye away, and Han’s mother couldn’t help but ask, “Yunyun, tell me honestly, what happened recently, I think you and Xiaoye are acting strangely.”

 “No, it’s nothing.”

“Have you really decided to marry our Xiaoye?”


Being pressed to this point, Xia Xiyun tightened his hands uncomfortably.

 (End of this chapter)

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