My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1149: You will never be allowed to be together

Chapter 1149 You are never allowed to be together

“She said she was sorry for you and left voluntarily now so that you wouldn’t go looking for her.”

 “Mom, how could you let Yunyun go!”

Han Xingye relaxed for a while after seeing that Xia Xiyun's mood had stabilized a lot. Now that such a commotion was happening, he was extremely worried.

But Han Xingye was grabbed by Mother Han before she even stepped out of the door, "Son, don't you know what Xia Xiyun did? She's sorry for you, and she's betrayed our Han family's trust in her!"

Han's mother means that when they first agreed to let their two children be together, they chose to believe that Xia Xiyun, who was in the entertainment industry, would be clean and tidy, but in the end they found out that they had trusted the wrong person!

Han Xingye defended Xia Xiyun, "Mom, don't listen to the rumors outside. Some people are deliberately spreading rumors to cause trouble."

When Mother Han heard her son's refutation, she felt even more angry, "What kind of rumors? The evidence has been delivered to the doorstep, and you still tell me it's a rumor!"

Han Xingye looked sideways, "What do you mean?"

Mama Han went to show him the photos in person, "Look, see for yourself, are these ugly things done by Xia Xiyun? Why are you still thinking about an unclean woman?"

 “This matter is not what you think.”

"What's not true? She admitted it herself. She said she was sorry for letting you down. Can what she admitted to herself be false?" Han's mother retorted without giving Han Xingye a chance to refute, " I know you like her, and you will definitely think of ways to defend her with bonuses, but these are useless. As long as this has happened, I will never allow you to be together!"

"Yunyun is the person I like, and who I want to be with is my own choice. Mom, Yunyun is also a victim in this matter. She was plotted against me, and it's all because I didn't protect her. This has made me blame myself. I have vowed to love her for the rest of my life and never let her get hurt in the slightest, but I didn’t expect that it would be my closest family members who are hurting her now.”

"I'm going to get Yunyun back now. I'm just saying these things to let you know that Yunyun is a good girl. I've decided that Yunyun is my wife. You can't interfere with us."

Han Xingye first expressed his attitude in front of his parents, and then rushed out of the house.

Han Ma chased her out, but no one was seen.

Han’s mother stood at the door and was heartbroken, “Look at your son, he was really deceived by that little goblin.”

Dad Han shook his head helplessly, "Shut up."

  Han’s mother asked: “You also want to help her, right?”

Dad Han said from a sensible perspective: "Neither you nor I have figured out the truth of this matter. You drove people away as soon as you came. I don't think you are the kind of girl who doesn't love herself."

"What do you mean by this? Do you mean that I deliberately slandered her? Didn't you see the photo? And I heard her admit it with my own ears. It was her who said she was sorry for Xiaoye. There was no lie in it. !”

“Didn’t Ono say that Yunyun was the victim? Yunyun quit the entertainment industry after winning the award. This shows that she is not a girl who loves fame and fortune. What if there is really a hidden secret in this matter?”

“I don’t care what the secret is, the facts are facts, there is no way I can accept her into our Han family!”

Han’s mother was firm, and Han’s father tried to argue with her to no avail, so he could only sigh.

 “You know Xiaoye’s character, you’d better hope he gets back to this, otherwise…”

 Otherwise, the Han family will not be peaceful again.

 (End of this chapter)

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