My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1150: It will be painful for me to stay by your side

 Chapter 1150 It will be painful for me to stay by your side

Han Xingye chased after him and kept calling Xia Xiyun, but his phone was also turned off.

"Yunyun, don't you understand my sincerity..."

Xia Xiyun ran out. She was too embarrassed to go to her family or her friends, and she didn't even dare to show up on the street at will.

The world is so big, and some people are homeless but do whatever they want, but she has a home and cannot go back, and she even dares not sleep on the street.

I was hungry and wanted to buy something, but found that I had nothing with me except my mobile phone.

The big stars who used to be high in the past are now more embarrassed than the wanderer.

Hold the phone and looked at it countless times, but she still didn't open it.

 If the phone is turned on, it is estimated that Han Xingye will be able to find her soon.

Xia Xiyun was walking aimlessly on the street when a little girl carrying a flower basket came towards her and said, "Sister, buy a flower."

Xia Xiyun nodded slightly and spread her hair on both sides to cover her face. She flipped it up to get the flowers. But when he looked down and saw that he didn't even have a bag with him, he could only shake his head, "Sorry, I didn't bring any money."

The little girl took out a blue and a green QR code very wisely, "Sister, Alipay and WeChat are both acceptable."

  The little girl acted like this when she saw the mobile phone in her hand. After all, none of the young people today know about online payment.

Xia Xiyun sighed helplessly, "It's really not necessary, thank you..."

"I'll buy!"

Before she could finish her polite "thank you", a familiar voice suddenly reached her ears.

Xia Xiyun was inspired, turned around and glanced, then turned around and ran away!

 A bright rose stood in front of her.

 In just a few seconds, Xia Xiyun's heart was already in chaos.

Han Xingye took her hand and stuffed the wrapped roses into her palm, holding the other hand tightly and refusing to let go.

“Yunyun, have you had enough fun? If you have enough fun, come home with me.”

"How did you come."

“Of course I’m here to take you home.”

He didn't say that he was out to arrest someone, as if Xia Xiyun's departure had never happened.

Xia Xiyun looked down at the hands held by the two of them and sighed deeply, "Let go."

Han Xingye shook his head, "Don't let go."

If he lets go, the girl he loves will run away again.

Xia Xiyun raised her eyes, stared closely into Han Xingye's eyes, and told him in a serious tone, "I'm not happy."

She repeated deliberately and told him directly, "If you ask me to go back, I won't be happy at all."

Two people who obviously love each other want to hurt each other. The pain is worse than stabbing the heart with a knife.

 But what can she do?

Some things are really, once they happen, they will cause irreparable harm, and when she has a lover, she really can't pretend that nothing has happened.

 “Han Xingye, you deserve better, really.”

“I also said that I don’t need anything better. In my eyes, you are the best!”

 “But I mind!”

  Sometimes the word "hypocritical" cannot be used to summarize a person's psychology.

If she didn't fall in love with someone, she might treat it as being bitten by a dog and try her best to get revenge, and then forget about it.

 But when she fell in love, she wanted to show her sincerity and give him the purest love.

“When I see you now, I will remember how miserable I am, and it will be very painful for me to stay by your side, do you understand?”

“So, Han Xingye, please let me go.”

 (End of this chapter)

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