My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1154: You can get married, but there is no wedding

Chapter 1154 You can get married, but there is no wedding

"Why don't you like it? You don't know how happy I was when I found out you were pregnant. God is helping me. Don't you understand?"

Xia Xiyun closed her eyes and only said: "It's really not the right time."

 The smile on Han Xingye's face dimmed, "Don't still have the idea of ​​leaving, I won't agree."

 The tone was too cold and he was afraid of scaring her. Han Xingye changed his expression and his tone became a little resentful and aggrieved, "Besides, don't you like our children?"

Xia Xiyun slowly opened her eyes, opened her mouth slightly and said, "I like..."

 She really likes it, very much!

 This is the child she conceived together with the man she loves most. Even though it has not been born yet, she loves it very much.

 But her happiness, her joy, all of this was suppressed.

 “That’s enough!”

“Life is short, don’t dwell on the past that cannot be changed. From now on, I will do my best to make you and your children live a happy life.”

Han Xingye repeatedly promised and resolutely stated that he would stay with her and had a tough attitude.

Xia Xiyun knew that he was serious and there was no lie.

With the child, where can she go?

Xia Xiyun sighed faintly, "Don't worry, I won't leave. You don't have to guard against me anymore."

 This child may be God’s will.

Xia Xiyun touched her belly and thought silently: Baby, are you here to save me too?

Han Xingye smiled when he saw her moved expression, "Yunyun, I'm very happy with your choice. You will stay with me from now on, and we will wait for the birth of the child together."

“By the way, let’s pick a good day to get married.”

"don't want!"

"What? Do you want our child to be born without a name or status?"


 She retorted subconsciously just now, and she is rebutting subconsciously now.

She originally felt that she was not worthy, so how could she marry Han Xingye with peace of mind?

But on second thought, even though her face did not show much joy for the arrival of the child, she truly loved the unborn child in her heart. She had made a mistake herself, so how could she be willing to let the child suffer?

 Han Xingye saw Xia Xiyun's expression moved, and even pursued the victory to break through her psychological defense.

After saying this, he used the child as Xia Xiyun's weakness and made her stunned, as if she had no other choice but to nod in agreement.

"So, you should marry me. Tomorrow is a good day. Let's get the certificate tomorrow, and then I will prepare the wedding as soon as possible, okay? This way, when our baby is born, he will be famous and worthy."

What Han Xingye is talking about now is all about children. These are excellent arrangements for children. How could Xia Xiyun still say the word "not good" after hearing this?

 In the end, I heard Han Xingye say a lot. Although she hesitated when making a decision, she finally nodded in agreement.

“Then, it’s all up to you, but there’s no need for a wedding.”

 “Weddings are a must!”

"My story will be widely implicated when word spreads about it. I'm afraid that others will follow the clues to investigate. Xingye, I promise to stay and marry you, but the wedding..." After saying this, Xia Xiyun shook his head.

 She was afraid that if others found out about her, not only would her reputation be damaged, but the Han family would also be implicated.

She thought that she would never get to have the "glorious wedding" that Han Xingye had promised her in her lifetime.

 (End of this chapter)

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