My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1155: Announce marriage certificate on Weibo

Chapter 1155 Announcement of marriage certificate on Weibo

 Xiang Yan was lying at home unable to move and still acting like a monster. People kept staring at Han's mother. Han's mother's attitude towards Xia Xiyun deeply impressed him.

“Master, Miss Xia has entered the hospital.”

“Into the hospital? What’s going on? Aren’t you going to be kicked out?”

“She left, but Han Xingye found her again, and she ended up in the hospital for some reason. I heard..."


 “I heard she’s pregnant!”


Xiang Yan was stunned when he heard the report. When he calculated the time, it was only half a month.

He didn't take protective measures when he forced Xia Xiyun that day. It was half a month later. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right?

Xiang Yan's younger brother saw his young master frowning and carefully added, "It is said that it has been almost three months."

Xiang Yan's expression changed as expected.

 So long, it must be Han Xingye’s seed!

“What good luck? What’s going on with the Han family now?”

“Han Xingye had a quarrel with his family and insisted on marrying Miss Xia, but Mrs. Han couldn’t resist him and seemed to have acquiesced.”

Xiang Yan couldn't help but sneer, "The Han family is really big-hearted."

The dog-legged follower quickly added: "Then young master, what should we do next?"

"Wait! Wait until I recover from my injuries before I go to Han Xingye to settle the score. I will never suffer the loss of being mute!"

Xiang Yan was already annoyed that he couldn't get Xia Xiyun. Later, Han Xingye took advantage of him and beat him up. Moreover, he had to hide it for the sake of face. He would not let this happen no matter what. never mind!


Han Xingye used the child as an excuse to coax Xia Xiyun to get the marriage certificate. As soon as Hong Benben got it, he couldn't wait to post it on WeChat Moments and Weibo.

His Weibo is not ordinary. Once the photo of this red book was posted, Weibo became lively.

While Xia Xiyun was recuperating, Han Xingye insisted on making their relationship public, and forcefully attributed Xia Xiyun's withdrawal from the industry to marriage and retirement, which temporarily fulfilled a lie.

Han’s mother was very angry at Han Xingye’s actions, but she could only hold it in.

Han Xingye took a preemptive strike and announced the news to the public. Even if Han's mother was dissatisfied with Xia Xiyun, she couldn't let outsiders know, otherwise it would have a great impact on Han Xingye's reputation.

Xia Xiyun could not stop what Han Xingye did. The only thing she could do was to insist on not holding the wedding.

  She has not passed the test in her heart, so she still feels that she is not worthy.

 I was so excited to look forward to the wedding, but now it's all disrupted.

 She really hates Xiang Yan!

Although Xia Xiyun stayed with peace of mind, she was depressed all day long. She often talked to herself or the child in her belly, "Baby, mom, I'm sorry for you. You were originally a baby worthy of everyone's expectations."

Han Xingye was very good to her and tried his best to make her happy when she was unhappy. No matter what she did, he would never lose his temper with her.

 Han Xing, who has become mature and steady, is still a scoundrel in the wild, but when facing Xia Xiyun at home, he is so gentle that no one can imagine.

 As soon as he returned home, he saw two plates of food already placed on the table.

 “Yunyun, what dishes are prepared today?”

 “Southern milk chestnut burning.”

 “In the future it will still be…”

 “I’m not tired, I really am not, don’t try to persuade me.”

Xia Xiyun doesn't want to go out now, so she studies recipes at home and learns a dish in three days. Even Han Xingye can't persuade her.

Everything around her is back on track, but behind the seemingly calm situation, there is still a huge conspiracy hidden.

 (End of this chapter)

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