My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1170: Paternity Testing

Chapter 1170 Paternity Test

 After the child was born, Xia's mother and Han Xingye stayed by Xia Xiyun's side almost all the time.

  Han’s mother was very dissatisfied with this and found a special time to call Han Xingye out to educate her, “She has to be in confinement for a month after giving birth. Are you still here to take care of her all the time?”

 “I take care of my wife, what’s the problem?”

“So many people outside have invited you with huge sums of money, but you have rejected them one by one. Are you going to risk your own bright future for a woman?”

“Mom, you are also a mother yourself. You should be able to sympathize with the pain that you have experienced. Why can’t you think about it from her perspective?”

"My wife almost lost her most precious life in order to give birth to my child. As a husband, what does it mean for me to take care of her for a month? It cannot be compared with the pain she suffered."

Han Xingye really didn't understand. His mother, who he thought was reasonable at first, didn't know when she started to be so harsh and unreasonable.

Does it mean that just because of an accident that was plotted by a gangster, he should bear the crime for the rest of his life?

The dispute between Han Xingye and Han’s mother ended on bad terms, and Han’s mother was so angry that she didn’t show up at the hospital for three days in a row.

But Mother Han did not leave because she was still thinking about one thing.

 Han’s mother has been paying attention to the condition of the premature baby and heard that the baby will be able to come out of the incubator today.

Han’s mother arrived at the hospital early in the morning to keep watch. She was looking forward to seeing the child.

  Han’s father took Han’s mother and asked, “What on earth did you want to do by bringing me to the hospital so early in the morning? Aren’t you angry with Xiao Ye that you couldn’t come to the hospital?”

"Don't worry about it. You will know when the time comes. Of course what I want to do is what is good for our Han family."

Han’s father felt that Han’s mother had a premeditated plan, but Han’s mother refused to say anything.

 Before Xia Xiyun woke up, Han Xingye had already gone to see the child.

Xia Xiyun has been thinking about the child for a long time, and Han Xingye wants to take the child directly.

Han Xingye didn't expect that his mother would come so punctually today.

 The nurse took the child out, and Han Xingye carefully caught it. Father Han and Mother Han also gathered around.

 The baby looks much better than when he was born. The little milk baby’s **** eyes are as beautiful as black gems.

Not only Han Xingye was happy to see the child, but Han's father was also very happy. He pointed at the child's eyebrows and said, "This child looks really good. His eyebrows and eyes look like yours."

Hearing what Father Han said, Han Xingye nodded repeatedly, "It looks similar to me."

Mother Han's heart was filled with ripples. She stood on tiptoes and poked her head out to see, "You can see what a child like this looks like. Show me the child."

Han’s mother reached out to hold her child, but Han Xingye hesitated and made no move.

Han’s father wanted to be a peacemaker, so he pushed Han Xingye’s hand.

Han Xingye hesitated for a moment, but still handed over the child.

 “Mom, I’m in trouble.”

Han Xingye’s movements were very careful. Fortunately, Han’s mother was experienced and was very skilled in holding a child.

The baby doesn't recognize it, and doesn't cry or fuss no matter who holds it. It just opens its big, innocent eyes and moves around. It's very cute.

 The more Han Ma looked at her, the softer her heart became.

However, when she thought about the origin of the child, she hardened her heart no matter how soft she was. She hugged the child and said to the Han family and his son: "You two, follow me."

Han's father and Han Xingye didn't know what happened until Han's mother took them to the paternity testing office.

 (End of this chapter)

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