My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1171: Han Xingye compromised and took blood for identification

Chapter 1171 Han Xingye compromised and took blood for identification

“Doctor, I made an appointment before. You can start now.”

Han's mother had already planned to bring Han Xingye and the child here just to do a paternity test on the spot.

 Han’s father and Han Xingye didn’t react in time.

Han Xingye stretched out his hand to bring the child over, "Mom, I just pretended that I didn't hear what you just said. Please stop talking nonsense."

But Mother Han held on tightly and refused to let go, "Nonsense, since I brought you here today, you must do a paternity test. Only when I see the scientific results can I feel at ease."

Han Xingye refused without hesitation.

 Mother and son each have their own opinions, and the silent confrontation is more torturous than the loud quarrel.

Han Xingye wanted to take the child back, but was worried about hurting the child.

Han's father tried to persuade her, but seeing that his wife was determined to do so, he finally had to take action from his son, "Xiaoye, why don't you just follow your mother's wishes, otherwise she will keep thinking that it will be bad for the child. The appraisal results show that he is indeed a descendant of our Han family, so your mother will definitely love him. "

 Everything Han's father said made sense, but Han Xingye just couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

If he asks the child to do a paternity test, doesn't it mean he agrees with Han's mother's suspicion of Xia Xiyun?

"I can not do it."

"You must do it!" At this time, Father Han's attitude suddenly became tougher.

Father Han pulled Han Xingye aside and persuaded him seriously: "I know what you are thinking, but your mother is very stubborn. If you don't let her get what she wants, she will still find opportunities to do it. On the contrary, she is very stubborn. How about you cooperate now and everyone will feel at ease when the results come out. I believe in Yunyun and your vision. As long as your mother is sure that this child is your son, she will definitely be very happy and will be happy with you and Yunyun. Things will also change your perspective.”

 Every word spoken by Father Han struck a chord in Han Xingye's heart.

He wants Han's mother to accept Xia Xiyun, and wants to resolve the grudge between the two. If a paternity test can reassure Han's mother, maybe his attitude towards Xia Xiyun will change in the future...

Han Xingye hesitated.

 When Father Han's words pierced his heart again, Han Xingye nodded with an extremely depressed heart.

Han Ma breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Xiaoye, you are still sensible, so come in."

Han Xingye held back his nerves and cooperated with the doctor.

 Hand blood was taken from the newborn's fingertips. When Han's mother carried the baby over, Han Xingye clenched his fists.

 As if he knew that "danger" was coming, the child started crying loudly when the needle came close to him.

“Parents, please fix the child’s hand for a moment.”

Although the baby is not yet able to struggle vigorously, you must first invigorate his blood and keep rubbing to warm him before collecting blood.

The child's cry was so loud that Han Xingye couldn't help but stop him, "That's enough! We won't be firm anymore."

  But the arrow had to be fired when the arrow was on the string. Mother Han would not allow him to give up halfway, "Doctor, continue, don't listen to him."

Han Xingye rushed over to pick up the child regardless, but Han's father reached out to stop him and sighed deeply, "Xiaoye, as long as you take two drops of blood from your fingertips, this matter will be completely solved."

 Be patient, the sea and the sky will be brighter.

Han's father forcibly stopped Han Xingye, and Han Xingye threw his hands away angrily.

 The doctor was ready, "That's it."

Just when the doctor was about to give the injection, someone suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

 “Don’t hurt my child!”

 (End of this chapter)

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