My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1173: Let him live, I will do whatever it takes

Chapter 1173 Let him live, I will do whatever it takes

 “You broke your own promise to me from the moment you agreed.”

"He was born prematurely! Do you know how I felt when I heard the surgeon say that the baby might not be saved that day in the delivery room?" Xia Xiyun asked, bursting into tears, "I was thinking at the time, it was my fault. I will do whatever it takes to make him suffer if I can let him live!"

"But what about now? I managed to save my life but was taken away by you to collect blood for a blood test? How old is he? If you stick a needle in him and bleed, it will be more uncomfortable than sticking a knife in my heart!"

Xia Xiyun cried and complained, which contained all her grievances.

Memories of the past came one after another, and they could not stop the great mother's love that wanted to protect her children, "Yes, I am unclean, I cannot bear it, I deserve to be scolded! I, Xia Xiyun, deserve to suffer, but my child is innocent of!"

“It doesn’t matter if your Han family doesn’t recognize him, I do!”

Being a mother makes you strong. When it comes to children, the delicate and easily broken flowers turn into prickly hedgehogs. They do not hesitate to use sharp thorns to hurt others and protect the children they want to protect.

She cried and was angry, but in the end she was still filled with pain, as if her heart was bleeding.

Han Xingye listened quietly to her venting all the pain in her heart. There was no atmosphere at all except that she felt even more distressed.

 He felt guilty because he also regretted it very much.

Han Xingye raised his head and slapped himself. The "slap" sound was particularly loud, and red marks immediately appeared on his cheeks.

Xia Xiyun was startled by the sudden move, "What are you doing!"

"I'm sorry, it was my fault." Han Xingye lowered his head and admitted his mistake without hesitation.

"I was not persistent enough and almost let those unrelated things hurt our children. I'm sorry, there will never be a next time!" Han Xingye vowed in front of Xia Xiyun, because he had already made up his mind.

  She will no longer be affected by her parents. His children must be his children, and there is no need to rely on any appraisal to comfort anyone's heart.

Han Xingye raised three fingers and swore, "Yunyun, please believe me, I have never doubted you from the beginning to the end. Qi'er is our child, I will definitely love and protect him and never let him be wronged again."

When Xia Xiyun heard this, her tears fell even more.

 In fact, her heart has already softened.

She said those words because she was too worried about her child. She could feel how Han Xingye treated her.

Xia Xiyun's eyes sparkled with tears.

 The child in his arms suddenly started crying, which made people feel heartbroken.

 “If you don’t cry, don’t cry. Qi’er won’t cry.”

When the child cries, the two new parents are at a loss to comfort him.

Han Xingye asked: "Is it possible that the child is hungry?"

Xia Xiyun wiped away her tears and changed her position to try to feed the baby.

 When the child got food, he really stopped crying.

After the child calmed down, Xia Xiyun raised his eyes and glanced at Han Xingye, and was caught by Han Xingye's sharp eyes!

“Yunyun, you believe me, right?”

Han Xingye was asking her, also determined to know the answer.

Xia Xiyun took a deep breath and nodded.

“Before, I was too impulsive.”

“No, luckily you came in time.”

 Fortunately, the appraisal was prevented in time, otherwise he might have a grudge for the rest of his life!

“I know it’s your mother who doesn’t believe it, but I won’t let my child be wronged.”

 (End of this chapter)

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