My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1174: I won't be satisfied!

 Chapter 1174 I won’t be satisfied!

Xia Xiyun's problem is that nothing can stop the fire. When foreign entertainment reporters come to the hospital, Xia Xiyun is destined to have no peace.

Xia's parents also learned about the rumors discussed on the Internet, and Xia's mother fainted with anger.

It was not Xia Xiyun who was angry, but the people outside who targeted Xia Xiyun, which made Xia's mother really feel sorry for her daughter's suffering.

It is said that good things never leave the house and bad things spread thousands of miles. The news that Han's mother took her child to have a paternity test with Han Xingye also reached the ears of the Xia family's parents. Both families were protecting their children and almost had a quarrel.

Han Xingye and Xia Xiyun were in a dilemma.

Xia's mother was worried about her daughter's mood and took a step back. Han's mother thought that the Xia family had a guilty conscience, so instead of stopping there, she "pursued the victory" in an attempt to suppress the Xia family's pride.

Xia Xiyun's heart was aroused by pressure and there were countless worries.

Things outside and at home made her confused.

Han Xingye was already planning to transfer Xia Xiyun to another hospital, but he didn't know who leaked the news. When Han Xingye took Xia Xiyun and the child out of the hospital, a group of gossip reporters gathered around him.

 The camera light flashes but does not sound.

Xia Xiyun protected her child tightly, while Han Xingye stood in front of their mother and son.

 “Everyone, get out of the way!”

The men brought by Han Xingye cleared the way for them, and after sending Xia Xiyun to the car, Han Xingye suddenly turned around, grabbed a nearby camera and smashed it to the ground, "Whoever dares to take a picture will be punished! "

Perhaps Han Xingye’s sudden move frightened them, so everyone stopped what they were doing.

Han Xingye asked them to hand over the negatives on the spot.

 Everyone ran away.

Although some of them have been recovered, some have escaped.

Xia Xiyun and Han Xingye’s marriage was already announced to the public, but now the child is exposed. Many people are saying that Xia Xiyun became pregnant before marriage because the time when Han Xingye posted the marriage certificate did not match the time of pregnancy.

Xia Xiyun's name has always been in public opinion, and her life has been seriously disturbed.

 Her heart is scarred, and if she hadn't had a child as a spiritual support, she might have been completely decadent now.

 But because someone behind the scenes was adding fuel to the fire and directly implicating the Han family, a large wave of black fans also appeared on Han Xingye’s Weibo.

Xia Xiyun's own affairs were already very bad, and when she learned that Han Xingye had been affected because of her relationship, she felt uncomfortable and apologized profusely.

  She knew, it was Xiang Yan!

Xia Xiyun finally couldn't bear it anymore and approached Xiang Yan and asked, "What else do you want to threaten me with?"

Xiang Yan no longer tried to seduce her heart, but directly sarcastically said, "Your child is so pitiful to have a mother like you. He will be talked about when he is a child, and others will remember him when he grows up." His mother is a shameless woman, tsk tsk, why did you have to give birth to him and suffer."

These words fell on Xia Xiyun's ears like a curse.

 She was criticized, the Xia family and the Han family were questioned, even Han Xingye's reputation plummeted, and her son was the most innocent victim.

Xiang Yan said a lot to Xia Xiyun with evil intentions.

Xia Xiyun was about to collapse under his influence!

“Xiang Yan, what is your purpose? Isn’t the pain you have inflicted on me enough?”

"It's not enough. As long as you live happily with Han Xingye, I won't be satisfied! I won't let you, your family, the Han family, or your children go!"

Xia Xiyun hung up the call and ran out frantically.

 (End of this chapter)

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