My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1184: Concealing Xiao Yuer’s identity

Chapter 1184 Concealing Xiao Yuer’s identity

“Let me tell you frankly that Gong Qianyu is the daughter of my Gong Qianli.”

"Then they will definitely ask who Yu'er's father is, and how will you answer?"

"There are many answers to this question. For example, her father is my ex-boyfriend, or a one-night stand with a running mate? Or maybe the grass on her father's grave is already one meter high." Gong Qianli gestured as she spoke, raising her arms. In mid-air, it seemed like that was really happening.

Ye Youyi held his forehead and said, "You really haven't changed at all."

Gong Qianli raised her head and asked, "What do you mean has not changed?"

 “It’s just as unreliable.”

Even if it is an excuse for an ex-boyfriend, according to the character of the Gong family, they will dig deep and dig deep to find the so-called ex-boyfriend.

 What if it was a one-night stand**? I'm afraid my legs will be broken!

 As for the grave grass…

 Forget it, it’s not fun to curse Nangong Luo like this.

The two friends gathered together for a while. On the other side, three children were already playing around Ye Xichen.

 Children want friendships that are pure and easy to establish. In addition, the relationship between their parents is so good that they feel like real sisters or brothers.

Ye Qingfeng has already enthusiastically invited Xiao Yu'er, "Yu'er, come and stay at my house, and I'll take you to play with my robot toys!"

Ye Zhiruo also agreed very much, "Yes, when Yu'er comes to our house, I will give you a bear doll."

Xiao Yuer looked back at Gong Qianli and seemed to be hesitating.

Because Gong Qianli is a police officer, she will not completely expose her children to the public. She is in a foreign country. She is cautious in interacting with people and has few friends, so the only people Xiao Yuer knows are her classmates in kindergarten.

I just met my little brother and sister who are from the East like me today, and the feeling is different.

However, Xiao Yu'er is a very sensible child. Even though she is still young, she knows that she cannot directly make the decision on many things.

 “Mommy, go to my brother and sister’s house.”

 She is not yet fully able to formulate long sentences of polite language, but the meaning is clearly expressed.

 She can go to Yejia when asking Gong Qianli.

 How could Gong Qianli have the heart to refuse her daughter with such a lovable appearance?

Besides, she had to do some things before taking Xiao Yu'er home, so it would be a good idea to leave Xiao Yu'er at Ye's house temporarily.

After making up her mind, Gong Qianli walked to her daughter. While agreeing to her request, she also asked in a questioning tone: "Mommy still has some work to deal with. Yu'er will go to her godfather and godmother's house to meet her brother in the past few days. Sister, can I play?”

Xiao Yuer immediately hugged her arm, seemingly unwilling.

 When she first arrived in this strange environment, she still couldn't accept that her mother was not around.

“Today, Mommy will take you to your brother and sister’s house. Mommy will go out to work during the day tomorrow. Only by working to make money can you buy a beautiful dress for Yu’er, okay?”

 Xiao Yu'er understood it when she said it like this, clapped her hands happily and said, "Okay."

Although Gong Qianli is raising the child alone, you can see from Xiao Yu'er's behavior that Gong Qianli has raised her well.

 “Are you going back to the palace?”

"Yes, I have to give them a vaccination first. Whether they accept it or not, they must accept it on the surface."

Before Gong Qianli took Xiao Yu'er back to Gong's family, she had to find out what the Gong family said, lest everyone's attitude would affect Xiao Yu'er.

Ye Weiwei nodded, "Don't worry, leave Yu'er to me."

"By the way, I don't want that person to know Yu'er's identity. The only thing you can do is keep it a secret for me."

 (End of this chapter)

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