My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1185: Nangong Luo is your godfather

Chapter 1185 Nangong Luo is your godfather

Ye Weiwei had just agreed to Gong Qianli’s request. God knows why Nangong Luo suddenly said that he wanted to come to Ye’s house to take his two children out to play?

“Youyi, I will come to pick you up and pick up your two children at noon tomorrow. Remember to prepare things for them in advance.”

 While Ye Weiwei and others were still outside, she suddenly received a message from Nangong Luo.

“That’s too bad.” Ye Weiwei patted his head and suddenly remembered that when Qingfeng pestered Nangong Luo to play last Sunday night, Nangong Luo promised to take the two children to the amusement park at noon tomorrow.

Nangong Luo didn’t know what was going on, but his daughter often came to see her two children regardless of asking.

Ye Xichen is a majestic but gentle father. Playing with his children is a static teaching, which makes the children feel dependent and admired.

Nangong Luo, the godfather, has a completely different personality. He can become the king of children. He can have fun even with three or four-year-old children and drive them crazy.

 Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo both like Nangong Luo very much.

Ye Weiwei thought that if Nangong Luo came to take away the two children, she would definitely have to follow them to take care of the children, and it was impossible to leave Xiao Yuer at home alone.

She just promised Gong Qianli not to expose Xiao Yu'er to Nangong Luo, otherwise she would postpone Nangong Luo's invitation to the children to play in the playground, right?

 Ye Weiyi made up his mind for the time being.

 However, it is not as good as God’s calculation.

 She had forgotten about it, but the two children still remembered it clearly!

Ye Qingfeng, who was thinking about playing, mentioned Nangong Luo. The child also wanted to show off in front of his beautiful little sister, "My godfather said that he will take me and my sister to the amusement park tomorrow, and I will have **** with me then." Tell me, dad, I’ll take you there too.”

 Ye Zhiruo agreed, "Yes, yes, my godfather is great."

 As older siblings, the two of them play very well with Xiao Yuer. They are willing to share their toys and take her to play with them.

"Huh?" Xiao Yu'er was confused by the relationship between these characters, because she knew Ye Xichen as her godfather, and she didn't know what the godfather Ye Qingfeng was talking about.

However, seeing how happy her brothers and sisters were, of course she was willing to join them.

 The three children made an agreement like this.

Xiao Yuer’s question came up, “Who is Brother Feng and Sister Ruo’s godfather?”

 Ye Zhiruo explained: "He's the godfather!"

 “Are you the same as my godfather?” Xiao Yuer pointed at Ye Xichen.

 Ye Qingfeng said: "That's my daddy."

 “What about the godfather?”

 This question will make people dizzy when asked!

Ye Qingfeng directly dragged Ye Weiwei’s phone over and unlocked it skillfully. This was all a proficiency gained from playing games...

Ye's only mobile phone photo album is divided into categories. There is one specifically for storing photos of friends. Ye Qingfeng remembered it after seeing it twice.

 So he turned it out and showed it to Xiao Yu'er, "This is my godfather!"

Ye Zhiruo and Xiao Yuer both lowered their heads and leaned towards each other at the same time. The three children’s heads were pressed together and they stared down at the screen for a long time.

Yezhiruo pointed at the phone screen and slowly repeated her brother's words, "This is my godfather."

Xiao Yuer typed carefully for a long time, and praised one word without hesitation, "Handsome!"

Perhaps she doesn’t understand what it means to praise someone, but she just has a vocabulary in her mind to describe it.

 The brothers and sisters of the Ye family were convinced and nodded.

Ye Qingfeng began to teach Xiao Yuer, "Yu'er is my sister, and Ruoruo and I's godfather is also your godfather!"

【Applause, Xiao Qingfeng taught you well, your godfather will be so angry that he will vomit blood】



 (End of this chapter)

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