My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1187: Grandma Nangong is a good person

Chapter 1187 Grandma Nangong is a good person

Leng Yanxi was the first to see Mrs. Nangong.

 She remembered what Ye Weiwei had reminded her before, and quickly turned her back to shield the two children, hoping that Mrs. Nangong would not discover them.

But Ye Zhiruo’s eyes were so sharp that he turned around and found Mrs. Nangong!

 “Grandma Nangong.”

Ye Zhiruoke likes Mrs. Nangong because the Nangong family has a good relationship with the Ye family. Mrs. Nangong also loves the two children very much and often gives them things.

Ye Zhiruo stood up and waved to Mrs. Nangong. The childish voice attracted Mrs. Nangong's attention.

Ye Zhiruo stood in front and called for someone, but Leng Yanxi couldn't stop her.

 “Grandma Nangong.”

 “Hey, Zhiruo.”

As soon as Mrs. Nangong saw Ye Zhiruo, a kind smile appeared on her face.

Before the little girl could come over, Mrs. Nangong had already taken the initiative to walk towards them.

Leng Yanxi greeted politely. Mrs. Nangong nodded lightly to her, and her eyes fell on Ye Zhiruo, "Why are you alone? Where is your brother?"

"Mommy, take brother to change clothes." Ye Zhiruo first explained his brother's whereabouts, and then explained something to Mrs. Nangong, "Zhiruo is not alone."

Ye Zhiruo turned around and walked to the sofa, held Xiao Yu'er's hand, and generously confirmed to Mrs. Nangong, "Zhiruo is with my sister!"


Mrs. Nangong suddenly felt a strange feeling when she saw Xiao Yu'er sitting on the sofa.

 “Whose child is this?” Mrs. Nangong asked Leng Yanxi.

Leng Yanxi lowered her eyes and said, "She is the daughter of an acquaintance. I will temporarily ask our young lady to take care of her for a few days."

 “That’s it.” Mrs. Nangong believed it.

 “What’s this child’s name?”

“Qian Yu, everyone calls her Yu’er.” Leng Yanxi deliberately concealed Xiao Yu’er’s last name.

Leng Yanxi deliberately did not teach Xiao Yu'er to communicate with Mrs. Nangong, and Ye Zhiruo couldn't think of how to let the old and the young get to know each other, so Xiao Yu'er didn't recognize this person and would not call her.

Mrs. Nangong had a strange feeling in her heart when she saw the child, but after all, he was a three-year-old child, so she couldn't drag him away to get to the bottom of it.

Mrs. Nangong was still familiar with Ye Zhiruo and asked amiably: "Did Zhiruo come shopping for clothes with your mommy?"

 Ye Zhiruo said honestly: "Mommy said to buy a gift for Yu'er."

This is what Ye Zhiruo said before taking them out for shopping, and Ye Zhiruo took it down.

 Ye Zhiruo kept saying "Yu'er" three times, which made Mrs. Nangong unable to ignore the child.

 “It seems that Zhiruo likes that little sister very much.”

 “Hmm, I like Yu’er.”

Mrs. Nangong took two steps closer to Xiao Yu'er.

Xiao Yuer looked at Mrs. Nangong with confusion.

When the stranger approached, Xiao Yu'er felt a little uncomfortable. She slid down from the sofa and took Ye Zhiruo's hand, "Sister Ruo..."

Ye Zhiruo stood between Xiao Yu'er and Mrs. Nangong and said, "Yu'er is not afraid. This is Grandma Nangong. Grandma is a good person."

Xiao Yuer shouted, "Grandma Nangong..."

This voice, as soft as cotton candy, was really sweet to Mrs. Nangong’s heart.

 Inexplicably happy, my affection for this child has skyrocketed.

 “Hey, good boy.”

Leng Yanxi saw this scene of loving each other, and in her heart she just prayed that Ye Weiwei would come back soon.

Leng Yanxi didn't know much about Xiao Yu'er's loss. She had no way of making the decision, but she met Mrs. Nangong as soon as she went out.

Mrs. Nangong also took the two children and said she wanted to buy them something as gifts.

 (End of this chapter)

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