My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1188: Whose child is Yu'er?

Chapter 1188 Whose child is Yu'er?

 Ye Weiwei had just chosen a set of clothes for his son, and when he came out, he found that there was no one on the sofa.

 She turned around and was shocked!

Who can tell her why Mrs. Nangong holds Xiao Yu'er's hand! !

Ye Weiwei quickly walked over with his son and said hello with a smile on his face, "Auntie, what a coincidence."

 “Hey, you can figure it out.”

“I just said that if I went somewhere, it turned out that I met you, aunt.”

“I just came here and happened to see these two children, so I wanted to take them to buy something.”

 “No, no, no, I’m sorry to bother you.”

Ye Weiyi deliberately asked Ye Zhiruo, "Zhiruo brought my sister here and said thank you to grandma."

 She deliberately did not mention Xiao Yu'er. In fact, what she wanted most was to bring Xiao Yu'er over.

Ye Zhiruo obediently said thank you to Mrs. Nangong, and Xiao Yuer also said thank you.

Ye Weiwei tried to pull the two children over, but Mrs. Nangong had no intention of leaving just now.

Mrs. Nangong insisted on buying gifts for her three children. “I just told the children that I wanted to buy gifts. If adults can’t do it, how can they set an example for them to do what they say they will do?”

 Having said this, it is not a superficial excuse. If Ye Weiwei continues to refuse, it will be tantamount to losing face.

Ye Weiwei could only say a few polite words to Madam Nangong, and at the same time bought something by himself and gave it to Madam Nangong, saying it was a gift for Nangong Yu.

Originally I thought it would be over, but Mrs. Nangong showed a special affection for Xiao Yu'er, "I really like Yu'er when I see her. Whose child is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

Mrs. Nangong asked Leng Yanxi before and asked Ye Weiwei now. The questions were the same, but the meanings were different.

Leng Yanxi can answer her friend’s child and lead them away in one sentence.

 The only thing Danye wanted to answer was, whose child is Xiao Yuer?

  As long as a reputable person in S City speaks out, everyone will know something about it.

Ye Weiwei never expected that she would run into someone from the Nangong family so quickly. Before she could even make up a story, her little boy readily betrayed her!

 “Sister Yu’er is from my godmother’s family!”

 “Your godmother?”

As far as Mrs. Nangong knew, the godmothers of the Ye family's two children were Yu Anran and Gong Qianli. However, Yu Anran had not received any good news of pregnancy for several years after they had been married, so it was impossible for a child to suddenly appear.

And it’s impossible that Gong Qianli hasn’t returned home after four years abroad...

After Mrs. Nangong filtered it out like this, she didn’t know who it was.

 “Which godmother is Feng’er talking about?”

"that is…"

Just when Ye Qingfeng was about to expose the relationship between Xiao Yu'er and Gong Qianli, Ye Weiwei pretended to be surprised and said "Hey", "I almost forgot when I talked about it. My friend said that at twelve o'clock It was almost too late to send Yu'er back before."

Ye Weiyi couldn't help but pick up Xiao Yu'er and said, "Auntie, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry to send Yu'er back, otherwise her parents will come to me to beg her."

Ye Youyi’s interruption dispelled Mrs. Nangong’s doubts.

Mrs. Nangong waved her hand and said, "It doesn't matter. Since you are in a hurry, you can take the child with you."

 Ye only breathed a sigh of relief.

This task that Gong Qianli gave her was really difficult. She probably memorized it like this because she didn't read the almanac when she went out today.

 When they were in the car, Ye Zhiruo asked her, "Mommy? Is Yu'er leaving?"

 “Well, not yet.”

“But you just told Grandma Nangong that you wanted to send Yu’er away.”

 “I’m talking about sending them home, back to our own homes.”

Ye Weiwei thought it would be safe to go home, but when she arrived at the door, she realized that she really wanted to escape!

 (End of this chapter)

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