My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1196: Unruly and willful Nangong Yu

Chapter 1196 Unruly and willful Nangong Yu

Gong Qianli stared at the photos on the wall and sighed. The words Nangong Luo appeared in her mind and she couldn't erase them.

“Yu’er, be good, mommy is not trying to hurt you.”

“Mommy is worried that you are tired. You go to bed on time every day at school, right? This is a good habit, and we must stick to it.”

Little Yu'er was so light, Gong Qianli reached out and picked her up, "It's mommy's fault, mommy's wrong, can Yu'er forgive mommy?"

Gong Qianli bowed her head and admitted her mistake, so Xiao Yuer no longer felt aggrieved.

 “Yes.” She nodded, expressing her generous forgiveness.

 Xiao Yu'er was still interested in the photos on that wall.

Gong Qianli carried her over and let her look at her.

 Xiao Yu'er pointed at something on the wall and liked it very much, "Mommy, it's so beautiful."

"Yes, if Yu'er likes it, I can take Yu'er to play in the future." Gong Qianli promised casually.

Xiao Yuer asked her: "Has Mommy been there?"

Gong Qianli shook her head, "Mommy hasn't been there."

Xiao Yuer was curious, "Then why are there pictures?"

Gong Qianli explained simply, "It was given by a friend of Mommy."

This simple conversation was unintentional for the child, but Gong Qianli's heart was stirred up and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Xiao Yuer stretched out her hand and yawned, and this time she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Gong Qianli quietly left after coaxing Xiao Yuer to sleep.

Gong Qianli was startled when she saw Gong Qianyu's face as soon as she opened the door. After closing the door, she patted him twice on the back to vent her anger, "Why are you standing at the door? You scared me to death."

 “Sister, I just got here.”

 “What are you doing here?”

“Don’t I want to come and see you and Yu’er?”

Gong Qianli twitched the corner of her mouth and told him, "Yu'er is asleep. I can't play with you now. You should give up."

 “1551, so pitiful.”

Gong Qianli took two steps forward and suddenly thought of something that had not yet been arranged.

 Turning around to look at his idle cousin, he directly handed over the task to him, "Qianyu, go and help me with something."

 “What’s the matter? Tell me.”

 “Help me find a kindergarten suitable for Xiao Yu’er.”

“She is only three years old. Do you want her to go to school?”

“What if I play with you every day?”

"Naluo..." Gong Qianyu clenched her hands into fists and raised them in front of her mouth. "Ahem" she coughed twice and quickly changed her words, "Okay, I understand."

He almost said that Nangong Luo's daughter Nangong Yu was also three years old, but she made trouble at home all day long and refused to go to school.

It is said that the Nangong family sent Nangong Yu to kindergarten before, but Nangong Yu refused to stay there and kept crying and noisy. Normally, children may cry and make fuss when they first enter kindergarten, but they will adapt to it after a few days, but Nangong Yu is special. She cries not because she feels wronged, but because she wants to smash things.

 At first she smashed things, and Nangong’s family had money and were not afraid of compensation, but later she even hit people directly, bullying other children, and even scratched other children’s faces with her fingers.

As for Nangong Yu's savage temperament, even at the age of three, he really can't control it.

The principal of the kindergarten endured it for a long time, but it was impossible for him to ignore other children for the sake of Nangong Yu. In the end, he had no choice but to ask the Nangong family to transfer the school.

Mrs. Nangong changed Nangong Yu to several kindergartens, but the results were the same.

Later on, they gave up. Until now, Nangong Yu is playing around every day. He only orders his servants when he wants. In short, he is unruly and willful and is not pleasing to the eye.

However, Gong Qianyu did not dare to mention these things in front of Gong Qianli.

 (End of this chapter)

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