My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1197: I want you! You play with me!

Chapter 1197 I want you! You play with me!

After learning that Gong Qianli had returned to China, Zhong Yun contacted a person abroad and asked, "Gong Qianli has returned to China? Why didn't you tell me?"

A man's voice came from the phone, speaking pure Mandarin, "Why should I tell you?"

 “Have you forgotten our agreement?”

 “That’s just wishful thinking on your part.”

  Before Zhong Yun could finish questioning, the other party had already hung up the phone impatiently.

Zhong Yun was so angry that she stamped her feet!

 Her external image has been good in recent years, but in fact her temper has become increasingly bad.

I originally thought that if Gong Qianli didn't come back, I could develop a relationship with Nangong Luo, but I didn't expect that Nangong Luo had really identified a woman, and it seemed that no other woman could catch his eye, no matter how good she was.

She tried her best but couldn't seduce Nangong Luo, and even her daughter couldn't win over Nangong Luo.

Nangong Yu ran over and grabbed Zhong Yun's clothes, "Mommy, play with me."

Zhong Yun touched her daughter's head and coaxed: "Yu'er, be good, Mommy has something else to do, you go and play by yourself first."

Nangong Yu refused to let go, "I want you to play with me, you play with me."

Zhong Yun patted her daughter's shoulder gently and said, "Mommy, can you play with you later? You go and play first."

 But Nangong Yu didn't listen, and kept making noises louder and louder, "I don't! I want you! You play with me!"

Nangong Yu started to act a bit aggressive.

She has always been like this, whenever something dissatisfied her, she would make a fuss, because she knew that if she made a fuss, the adults would agree to her request.

 But now Zhong Yun is angry and very upset, and she feels even more irritated when her daughter quarrels with her, "Why are you so disobedient? I think your father is right, he just spoils you too much!"

Zhong Yun couldn't bear to think of the reminders and warnings Nangong Luo deliberately gave her.

Nangong Yu was not of the Nangong family at all, so Nangong Luo couldn't tolerate her breaking Mrs. Nangong's music box. At that time, she warned Zhong Yun, "If Yu'er makes trouble again, you will take her to move." Get out."

Of course Zhong Yun is not willing to leave. She wants to stay at Nangong's house with her daughter, but she is also worried about Gong Qianli's return to China.

 The two things together made Zhong Yun very irritable.

 So she gave Nangong Yu a few words of scolding.

But Nangong Yu is usually spoiled by Zhong Yun. She cries when Zhong Yun loses her temper and starts throwing things when she cries.

Nangong Yu’s movements attracted the servants at home, and even Mrs. Nangong was alarmed.

Zhong Yun quickly grabbed her daughter tightly, "Yu'er, you are really disobedient!"

 “What are you arguing about?”

Mrs. Nangong has also been feeling agitated recently. When she heard Nangong Yu’s throat-piercing cry, she wanted to go down and comfort her. After taking two steps, she suddenly stopped and asked, "Why is the child crying?"

Zhong Yun responded quickly, "Mom, I'm sorry I disturbed you. It's okay. You can go inside and rest first."

Mrs. Nangong could not help but frown, "Yu'er dropped something again?"

"I just bumped into it by accident..." Zhong Yun's thinly veiled reason was something that even she didn't believe herself.

What kind of temperament does Nangong Yu have? Who in the Nangong family knows?

“Zhong Yun, I’ve been holding back for a long time but I still want to tell you that although Yu’er is only three years old, you can’t tolerate her mistakes blindly. You must teach her to be obedient, and don’t wait until she develops a habit that she can’t change later.”

 “You are right, I will educate Yu’er well.”

 “You are her mother, it’s up to you.”

Mrs. Nangong wanted to be out of sight and out of mind, so she left directly.

Zhong Yun asked garrulously: "Mom, where are you going?"


 (End of this chapter)

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