My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1198: Xiao Yuer and the Ye family brothers and sisters share the same kindergarten

Chapter 1198 Xiao Yuer and the Ye family brothers and sisters share the same kindergarten

Mrs. Nangong still remembered that Yu'er she saw that day was as big as Nangong Yu and looked cute and well-behaved. She really wanted to know why there was such a big gap between these children when she went to Yejia to see them.

Of course Mrs. Nangong didn’t go directly.

 She often interacts with Madam Ye, and now she went to see Madam Ye for tea and chat.

When Mrs. Nangong mentioned the twins from the Ye family, Mrs. Ye was also very proud, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen them for two days. I'll pick them up from school later."

 “Then I’ll go with you.”

Mrs. Ye contacted Ye Weiyi and said that she wanted to take her two children back to the villa to stay for one night. Ye Weiyi was very happy to do so.

If the two children are not around for a while, she will have time to do other things, such as having a world for two~


 Brothers and sisters Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo are very happy today because...

 Because Xiao Yuer also came to their kindergarten to attend school!

Originally, Xiao Yu'er was going to the kindergarten class, but with the request and guarantee of the Ye family brothers and sisters, Xiao Yu'er could go to the middle class together with Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo.

“Yu’er, this is the new pencil Mommy bought for me. It has a pink heart and is a gift for you.”

“Yu’er, I have a very beautiful notebook that I will give to you as well.”

Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo competed to share their things with Xiao Yu'er. Xiao Yu'er came empty-handed, but received a lot of good things.

 “Thank you, Brother Feng, thank you, Sister Ruo.”

 “No thank you, no thank you, just tell us what you need.”

Ye Qingfeng patted his chest to express that he was very powerful.

Gong Qianyu quickly pulled her niece back and asked, "Xiao Yu'er, do you like this kindergarten?"

Xiao Yuer replied without hesitation, "I like it."

 “That’s good, I can work with your mommy.”

 “Thank you, uncle.”

“Be good, you and your brother and sister stay here while uncle goes to do some things.”

Gong Qianyu saw that Xiao Yuer did not reject kindergarten at all, so he readily decided to let her study here.

They didn’t know that Gong Qianyu was very busy when he was abroad and could not take Xiao Yu’er with him every day, so he simply sent Xiao Yu’er to kindergarten when he was two and a half years old.

Xiao Yu'er was a little scared when she first went there, but her fear was not timid. After a few days, she adapted to the new environment and got to know other children, and Xiao Yu'er gradually got used to the kindergarten.

Gong Qianyu actually planned to return to China for a long time during this vacation. She did not want to take her daughter to live alone abroad, so she deliberately let Xiao Yuer come back to adapt to the domestic environment.

Handled the task of finding a school to Gong Qianyu. After Gong Qianyu took over the task, he was thinking that the kindergarten that the Ye family brothers and sisters went to must be good, so he brought Xiao Yu'er directly.

Gong Qianyu called and told Gong Qianyu that the kindergarten was found.

Gong Qianyu is doing business at the moment. She felt relieved when she heard that it was the kindergarten where the Ye family brothers and sisters were.

“Since Yu’er likes it, you can go through the formalities for her, and I’ll go and see it myself later.”


Gong Qianli held a folder in her hand and walked into the police station after hanging up the phone.

 She came back this time not just for a month's leave, but also for applying to be transferred back to the domestic police station.

 Four years have passed and the previous directors have all been replaced.

 The people at the police station welcomed Gong Qianli's arrival.

Gong Qianli didn’t expect to see her friends who were in the same group here, and everyone got along very happily.

 It was already afternoon after I finished handling matters at the police station.

Gong Qianli checked the time and went to the kindergarten.

 (End of this chapter)

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