My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1199: Pick up the kids from school together

Chapter 1199 Picking up the children from school together

Gong Qianli stood outside the classroom and watched for a long time. Xiao Yuer had a strong ability to adapt to the new environment, and with the company of the Ye family brothers and sisters, she was not in trouble.

Gong Qianyu has been waiting for her to come, and now she asked for a performance, "Sister, I found this kindergarten, isn't it good?"

Gong Qianli was very satisfied, "It's good. I feel more at ease with the Ye family brothers and sisters."

 After that, she went to meet the principal and class teacher of the kindergarten. Gong Qianli learned some information from them, and all she asked was that her daughter would be safe and happy here and learn to communicate with other children.

School is about half an hour away, and Gong Qianli plans to stay here until her child is out of school.

At this moment, Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Nangong were also talking and laughing on their way to pick up their children from school.

 When school time comes, the children sit obediently in the classroom and wait for their parents to pick them up.

 When Xiao Yuer saw Gong Qianli, she happily threw herself into her arms, "Mommy, mommy, mommy."

She shouted several times in a row, then gave Gong Qianli a bite on the cheek.

 “Baby, why are you so clingy today, huh?”

"Miss you."

 “You’re so good, Mommy misses you too.”

Not only Xiao Yu'er, Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo also ran to her feet, "Godmother, are you here to pick up sister Yu'er?"

“Yeah, do you want me to wait for your mommy to come and let’s go out to eat together?”

 “Okay, okay.” Ye Qingfeng answered most readily.

Ye Zhiruo raised his head, scratched his head, and asked, "Brother, didn't grandma and grandma Nangong come to pick us up today?"


 After Ye Zhiruo’s reminder, Ye Qingfeng remembered it.

The three children were simply talking and did not notice the word Gong Qianli. When they heard the word "Nangong", their expressions suddenly changed.

Gong Qianli's expression became serious, "You just said, who will pick you up?"

“It’s grandma and grandma Nangong.”

"Oh, godmother suddenly remembered that Yu'er's grandparents asked me to take Yu'er back early. I'm sorry that godmother can't wait for you today. Next time godmother will treat you to dinner."

 “What a pity.”

Gong Qianli just wants to take her daughter and run away.

Hold her daughter in her arms and told Shang Gong Qianyu to leave quickly.

Gong Qianyu didn't understand why she was doing this, "Sister, are you running away from the Nangong family?"

 “I feel it’s quite awkward to meet.”

“But you have to stay in City S from now on. With the relationship between our two families, it’s impossible for you not to meet people from the Nangong family.”

“I didn’t say no, just wait for me to slow down.”

 She will now use the word "drag" to decide.

The words the two people said were too profound. Xiao Yu'er was confused, "Mommy, who are the Nangong family members? Uncle Nangong?"

Gong Qianli shook her head, "Mommy is not very familiar with it either, so I don't know."

“Okay, but Brother Feng and Sister Ruo like it very much.”

“…” Gong Qianli was speechless.

Suddenly I felt that it was not a good thing for people in a circle to know each other, and they couldn't hide anywhere.

As soon as Gong Qianli left, Madam Ye and Madam Nangong arrived.

When they got the two children into the car, Mrs. Ye asked, "Have you had anything happy to share with grandma in the kindergarten recently?"

 Ye Qingfeng raised his hand, "Yes!"

“Sister Yu’er has also come to our kindergarten and is in the same class with us. We can play together in the future!”

Mrs. Ye asked doubtfully: "Who is sister Yu'er?"

 “Yu’er is Yu’er.”

 “How did we meet?”

 “My godmother’s daughter!”

 (End of this chapter)

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