My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 120: Watching you from night to dawn

Chapter 120 Watching you from night to dawn

 “Out the window?”

She grabbed the quilt with both hands and secretly glanced out the window. It was dark after dark, and there was not even a street light to illuminate it.

 “Brother! You lied to me! It’s so dark outside!”

It was still dark outside, with nothing there, but the shadow reflected on the glass window gave people a creepy feeling.

 "Coward." A chuckle escaped from Ye Xichen's mouth.

Just when Ye Wei was about to bury his little head under the quilt, a warm light suddenly appeared outside the window.

 Ye Weiwei paused his movements, and gradually raised his head, and the light outside became more and more bright.

 “Come out the window.”

When Ye Xichen spoke again, Ye Weiwei lifted up the quilt without hesitation, and ran directly to the window without even putting on his slippers.

 are luminous **** suspended in mid-air, illuminating the dark night until it seems like day.

Ye Weiwei held up her cell phone and shouted, "Brother."

Her mind was empty now. When she opened the window, she suddenly saw an elongated black shadow. She turned around and was about to go out, but the person on the other end of the phone stopped her at the right time and said, "Don't come down!"

 Ye Weiwei just lifted up his steps that had not yet fallen and were hanging in the air, "Why?"

 “If you come down here, I won’t be able to help but take you away.”

He was still smiling when he spoke, but he was so serious.



 She opened the door without hesitation, stepped on the cold threshold with her bare feet, then went back and put on her shoes casually.


 The door was closed, and the smaller body was like a gust of wind blowing by the corridor, running so fast for the first time without thinking.


 A figure is leaning against the gray-black marble column.

 Under the bright light ball, Ye Weiwei looked at the man carefully.

His left foot is flat on the ground, the toes of his right foot are slightly on tiptoe, and his heel is against the pillar. He held it lightly with his left hand and held up the phone with his right hand. The blue-white light on the screen hit his face, carving out a tangible arc of shadow.

 He seemed to hear the sound and glanced casually towards Ye Youwei.

 Looking at each other, the feeling of heart palpitations...

"elder brother…"

She couldn't help but speak and shouted softly.

The man has already walked towards this side with his straight and slender legs.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xichen's coat was already draped over her body, and his warm hands pressed on her shoulders, "Didn't I tell you not to come down?"

Ye Weiwei raised his head and asked stubbornly: "But why did you come?"

 “Aren’t you afraid?”

 Because she was afraid, so he came...

Ye Weiwei pursed her lips, "How long have you been here?"

He let go of the man and put his hands in his pockets in a lazy and casual manner, "Not long, just before dark."

Yeye's slender hands slowly put their hands on his neck and fell into the warm embrace. At this moment, she couldn't even cry.

 Why are there such people?

He obviously disdains other people, but he has been by her side since she was a child. She is weak and stupid, what on earth does he deserve for him to protect?

The temperature continued to drop at night, and she couldn't help but shiver as she was afraid of the cold. When she touched the smooth skin, she knew that Ye Xichen was wearing a short shirt underneath.

She hurriedly took off her coat and handed it back. Ye Xichen did not refuse, but said to her: "Go back upstairs."

"how about you?"

"I'm going back."

"Oh no."

I felt a sense of loss in my heart, and finally turned back to the room three times a step.

 Looking out the window again, the bright lights are still there, but the people are gone.

 In the dead of night, people in the room have fallen asleep.

At the corner of the building, someone was watching from night to dawn.

  Is the sugar you want sweet?



 (End of this chapter)

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