My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 121: Video from the toilet leaked

Chapter 121 The video in the toilet leaked

 Ye only wants to start over in a new school, make new friends without being disliked.

 But on the third day after enrollment, something happened again!

I don’t know which “Leifeng” posted the short video of Ye Qingqing blocking An Ruan in the toilet that day to the campus post bar. Although the post was quickly deleted by the bar staff, it was still seen by many people at the time.

One passing ten, ten passing hundreds, many different versions in the toilet that day, but their in common is Ye Qingqing!

Ye Weiwei and An Ruan didn’t take it seriously at first, until it was time for a nap when Ye Qingqing suddenly barged into their classroom.

 “Qiao Li! An Ruan! Come out!”

Hearing someone shouting, Ye Weiwei and An Ruan, who were lowering their heads to discuss math problems, looked up at the same time and saw Ye Qingqing, wearing a basketball uniform and holding a basketball team in his right hand, standing in front of her desk.

Before they could agree, Ye Qingqing suddenly put the basketball on the clean math paper they placed in the middle of the desk.

"come out!"

There are many people in the classroom now, but because Ye Qingqing is a school bully in No. 2 Middle School, the kind who has connections with gangsters in the outside world, no good students want to offend her.

In order not to disturb other students, Ye Weiwei and An Ruan followed Ye Qingqing out.

When the three of them walked to the stairwell, Ye Qingqing immediately turned around and asked, "What's going on with the forum video?"

  Ye Weiwei and An Ruan looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Bang!" Ye Qingqing slammed the basketball on the ground hard, and the basketball rolled to another stairwell with a few clicks, but Ye Qingqing ignored it and pushed Ye Weiwei and An Ruan's shoulders with his left and right hands respectively, "Speak! Mute?"

 Ye Qingqing, who exercised regularly, was very strong and could push both of them with one move.

An Ruan's face showed anger, "Ye Qingqing, what's the matter with you? You take action when you disagree with me. Do you have the quality?"

“You don’t need to teach me whether I have any qualities!”

Ye Qingqing is in the third grade of junior high school. She is the kind of scumbag who is not ready to go to high school. She often forms gangs and fights with others.

 To put it bluntly, Ye Qingqing is just unreasonable.

An Ruan couldn't beat her, so he said a few words and then lost his temper, "You brought me in that day, where should I go to shoot the video?"

An Ruan shook his head hard.

Ye Qingqing frowned and thought, it seemed to make sense.

 The two people who came out of the toilet later were the only ones who came to look for Ye Ye!

"Qiao Ling, right? I didn't bother you, but you dare to get in trouble with me?" Ye Qingqing's anger instantly transferred to Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiyi raised his head, looked into Ye Qingqing's eyes without any guilt, and pretended to be calm and said to her, "This matter has nothing to do with me."

Ye Qingqing was used to reaching out to push people, but this time Ye Weiwei turned sideways to avoid them.

"Ye Qingqing, if, if I were you, I should stop the spread of the video as soon as possible instead of wasting time with us here. Otherwise, the teacher will know about it and record a demerit." Ye Weiwei finished the whole sentence with stumbling lips and teeth. sentence.

 “Fuck! Are you threatening me?”

Ye Qingqing looked around. Occasionally, someone in the corridor glanced this way.

 Ye Qingqing smiled mockingly, "Okay, I'll let you go."

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingqing left like this.

An Ruan immediately held her hand and asked, "Are you okay?"

Ye Weiwei shook her head, but her palms were actually sweating.

She naively thought that Ye Qingqing was frightened, and Ye Weiwei didn't take it to heart anymore, but she never expected that she would be stopped by a few gangsters led by Ye Qingqing on the way to school!

Someone asked, why did Brother Chen go upstairs to accompany Xiao Lingdang?

Because Brother Chen knew what Little Bell wanted, he chose to guard it silently. Of course, he guarded it silently within the scope of his control!



 (End of this chapter)

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