My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 122: The only night is to play tricks

Chapter 122 Ye Weiyi is playing tricks

Ye Weiwei agreed to help Ye Qingqing trick An Ruan into going to the river outside the school, but in fact she had no intention of doing so.

 “Can’t harm others.”

But when she was about to tell An Ruan about this, she suddenly thought: If she had not deceived An Ruan, Ye Qingqing would still cause trouble for her.

 Subconsciously, she wanted Ye Xichen to help deal with it.

But I picked up the phone, hesitated for a while and then put it down.

 Hands intertwined and cupped to support her chin, she sat at the desk by the window and closed her eyes in meditation.

 Whether it is her or An Ruan, one of them is destined to be bullied.

It is really dangerous to lead a large group of people to surround one person like today.

 You cannot harm others, and you cannot put yourself in danger.

 The only way is to start from the root and get rid of Ye Qingqing!

Ye Weiwei curled his fingers and suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were still clear and clean, but he had more ideas in his heart.

 She is going to take An Ruan to the river outside the school, and before that, she cannot tell An Ruan the truth!

During morning self-study the next day, Ye Weiyi left the classroom with an excuse. Today was Chinese language self-study, which happened to be the class of the serious and rigid head teacher.

 She went to the office.

When she came back, An Ruan asked her as usual: "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Weiwei shook his head.

An Ruan blinked, "Is there really nothing you want to tell me?"

Ye Weiwei was stunned for a moment, lowered his eyes and still shook his head, "It's really nothing, I'm worried."

The two of them calmed down with different thoughts. Because they were both holding things in their hearts, they didn't feel anything was wrong with the other for a while.

 Before school ended in the afternoon, Ye Weiwei wrung his fingers and tentatively mentioned going to the river to An Ruan.

 An Ruan seemed to be unprepared and only thought about it for a short while before agreeing.

 Ye Weiwei was quite nervous at the time.

An Ruan asked several more times on the road, and Ye Wei almost told the truth, but she swallowed it every time.

You can't tell An Ruan, because An Ruan appears to be afraid of Ye Qingqing. What if An Ruan doesn't want to take this risk with her after knowing about it?

After being deceived again and again, she dared not trust anyone.

To her, An Ruan was just a friend for three days, and she hadn't even figured out An Ruan's character yet.

 So she couldn't say.

 Ye Weiwei's silence was taken as acquiescence by An Ruan. She recalled the voice message Su Yichen sent to her yesterday, and she sneered in her heart when she saw Ye Weiwei walking obediently beside her.

Since she knew that Ye Qingqing was going to harm her, she was naturally prepared. Since Ye Weiyi chose to protect herself and betrayed her, don't blame her for leaving Ye Weiwei alone in a pile of gangsters.

The two have complicated hearts and are suspicious of each other. One has good intentions, while the other lacks mercy.

Ye Youwei brought An Ruan to the river as promised. Ye Qingqing clapped when he saw the person and praised Ye Youwei for doing a good job.

An Ruan asked: "What's going on?"

Ye Qingqing dragged An Ruan to his side and raised his right fist to hit someone. The moment he swung it down, his wrist was tightly grabbed by someone.

 It is the only one in the night.

 “You want to gather a crowd to cause trouble? Aren’t you afraid that the school teacher will know?”

"Who knows this place? If you bring An Ruan today, I promise to let you go. Get out of here!"

Ye Weiwei stood next to her and didn't run away first.

It was An Ruan who suddenly pushed her forward, causing her to stumble forward and almost fall.

 When she turned around, An Ruan stood there innocently.

The only one is really growing, don’t talk about how weak she is~

Qixi will not let Xiao Lingdang be bullied all the time. She is only in the second grade of junior high school and still has a lot of time to grow up.

Now, start to solve the problem by yourself, but it is not perfect enough and you may suffer a loss.



 (End of this chapter)

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