My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1204: She is an adopted daughter

Chapter 1204: Adopted daughter

“Xiao Qingfeng, are you kidding me?”

“I’m telling the truth, godfather, please remember to buy me a new robot!”

Nangong Luo can no longer listen to robots or new restrictions. Now his mind is filled with one idea: Xiao Yu'er is Liuli's daughter?

 He doesn’t believe it.

"How can this be."

Nangong Luo slowly put down Xiao Yu'er in his arms and stared at Xiao Yu'er's eyebrows carefully. The more he looked at them, the more similar they felt.

 But he didn't want to admit it or believe it.

 “Xiao Yu’er, tell uncle, who are your parents?”

Nangong Luo's expression was very different from before, which made Xiao Yu'er feel a little at a loss.

Xiao Yu'er took a step back and stood next to Ye Qingfeng. Ye Qingfeng patted her shoulder and said, "Xiao Yu'er, tell your godfather quickly."

 Xiao Yuer received encouragement from her two brothers and sisters, then she looked up at Nangong Luo and told him, "My mommy's name is Gong Qianli."

 “Where is your father?”

 Xiao Yuer shook her head.

 “What does shaking your head mean?”

Nangong Luo is a little out of control now. The children have never seen him like this before, and they are all at a loss.

Nangong Luo took a deep breath, tried to look gentle, tried to remain calm on the surface, and asked again, "Who is Xiao Yu'er's father?"

 He only heard Xiao Yu'er's crisp voice telling him, "I don't have a daddy."

 In the past, when I was abroad, other children would be picked up by their daddy or mommy, but she always only had her mommy or the aunt who took care of her life.

 She also asked the same question. She asked her mommy why she didn’t have a daddy, and the answer she got was, “Xiao Yu’er doesn’t have a daddy.”

 Just such a simple sentence, without even a reason.

 So Xiao Yu'er only remembers this sentence. When others ask her, she directly tells others: "I don't have a daddy."

Nangong Luo feels completely different when looking at Xiao Yu'er now.

 He asked Xiao Yu'er's age again, she was three years old.

If this is the case, wouldn’t it mean that Gong Qianli became pregnant when she went abroad?

 When this illusion appeared in his mind, Nangong Luo directly denied it.

 Gong Qianli was by his side at that time, and he knew that besides himself, only Gu Chengxi could get close to her. But if the child was Gu Chengxi's, then Gong Qianli couldn't possibly say that she had no father, so there was only one possibility left...

 He estimated that this little Yu'er was the child adopted by Gong Qianli.

 “Xiao Yu’er, can you tell uncle, what is your full name?”

 “My name is Gong Qianyu.”

 Sure enough! She followed Gong Qianli's surname.

  Adopted children, this is the only explanation.

Thinking about it this way, Nangong Luo felt a little better.

 He praised, "Gong Qianyu, this name is very nice."

 Xiao Yuer accepted it calmly and thanked her politely, "Thank you, uncle."

It’s hard to imagine that Gong Qianli, with such a lively and out-of-the-box personality, could raise such a cute and shy child, who looks cute and sensible.

 Just when everything was calm, the phone in the living room rang.

Ye Qingfeng was the first to run over and answer the phone, "Hello, godmother?"

"How are you doing today? I will pick up Xiao Yu'er and take her home later."

“Godmother, don’t take Yu’er home, we haven’t had enough fun yet!” When Gong Qianli said that she wanted to take Yu’er home, not only did Ye Qingfeng object, but even Ye Zhiruo ran over.

“Godmother, don’t take Yu’er away, let’s play with sister Yu’er.”

 (End of this chapter)

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