My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1205: Yu'er acted like a baby: Uncle, hug~

Chapter 1205 Yu’er acts like a baby: Uncle, hug~

Nangong Luo listened quietly to the two children talking to the person on the other end of the phone, and his already rippling heart was already filled with turbulent waves.

The person who called was...Gong Qianli.

  From the moment he knew she had returned to China, his heart had never been truly at peace. He couldn't help but secretly went to Gong's house many times, but he couldn't openly invite her to meet him.

Nangong Luo never thought that he could be so timid.

It's like now, knowing that as long as he walks a few steps over, he can get a call, listen to her voice or talk to her, but in fact he is just sitting here, his whole body seems to be stiff and he can't move. .

Xiao Yuer beside her has also run to the phone in the living room.

Nangong Luo couldn't listen to what they said next.

I only know that after hanging up the phone, the children had happy expressions on their faces.

 He asked casually: "What? What did you just say?"

Ye Qingfeng, who wanted to get the new limited edition robot, was the first to answer: "The godmother said she would come to take Yu'er home. We didn't want Yu'er to go home, so we convinced the godmother!"

 At the end, there seemed to be a sense of accomplishment.

Nangong Luo asked again: "Then, did your godmother say when she will come?"

"The godmother will be here soon. Although I agree to let Yu'er stay, the godmother will also come."

Gong Qianli is usually busy with her work and doesn't have much time to spend with her daughter, so whenever she has free time, she basically spends her time with Xiao Yu'er.

 Because Gong Qianli felt deeply guilty about Xiao Yu'er, she tried her best to be good to Xiao Yu'er and dote on her no matter what.

Probably because of Aiwujiwu. After knowing that Xiao Yuer was Gong Qianli's daughter, Nangong Luo fell in love with her even more. The more she looked at her, the more cute she felt.

Moreover, he also tried to get words out of the child.

“Xiao Yu’er, have you and your mommy been living abroad before?”

 “Hmm, Yu’er and Mommy are together!” This is something that makes Xiao Yu’er very proud.

“Is it just you and your mommy? No one else? Like uncles like us or something?”


Xiao Yuer very naively betrayed her own mother...

 Her answer made Nangong Luo very satisfied.

Although he couldn't believe it, because he always thought that if Gu Chengxi followed Gong Qianli to go abroad, the two of them would be together naturally.

But now we know from Xiao Yu'er's words that Gong Qianli has basically no close contact with any man, but Xiao Yu'er also mentioned, "Uncle Gu has been to my house."

Nangong Luo’s face turned dark when he heard this.

 Who does the title "Uncle Gu" represent? He is definitely Gu Chengxi!

It seems that Gong Qianli and Gu Chengxi still have a close relationship, but for some unknown reason, they cannot be together.

 When it was time for a nap, Xiao Yuer felt sleepy.

 The considerate sister Ye Zhiruo noticed the time and reminded her, "Yu'er, it's time to take a nap."

This is the only thing Ye Zhiruo has specifically told her three children before going out. Ye Zhiruo remembers the task left by her mother.

Xiao Yu'er stretched out her hand and yawned, with a lazy look, unexpectedly surpassing Nangong Luo's skill, and said lazily, "Uncle, hug..."

 A little cutie who can act like a spoiled child so naturally that no one can refuse her request.

Nangong Luo hugged her into his arms again, and Xiao Yuer put her arms around his neck.

 (End of this chapter)

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