My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1210: The unreasonable Nangong Yu

Chapter 1210 The unreasonable Nangong Yu


By the time Nangong Luo arrived at the agreed place, fifteen minutes had passed.

Zhong Yun kept looking up, so she found Nangong Luo as soon as he appeared!

 “Luo!” Zhong Yun stood up and waved to him.

Nangong Yu also stood up.

Nangong Luo gradually approached, but Zhong Yun did not stay where he was, but took the initiative to approach him.

"Yu'er, hurry up." But Zhong Yun didn't forget to hold her daughter with her before leaving.

After the three of them met, Zhong Yun was very enthusiastic, but Nangong Yu stood beside her silently and didn't call anyone.

Zhong Yun realized something was wrong and tugged Nangong Yu's hand, "Yu'er, please call daddy. Just now, weren't you waiting for daddy to come and play with you?"

 Zhong Yun kept winking at Nangong Yu while talking.

But Nangong Yu was very arrogant and glanced away as if she hadn't seen him. Even her eyes were obviously dissatisfied and dissatisfied.

When Nangong Luo saw this three-year-old child, he remembered what Mrs. Nangong had said to him: The child Yu'er sometimes looks very gloomy.

The word "dark" may be a bit too much to describe a three-year-old child, but she really gives people that feeling.

  It's not just naughty, not just ignorant, it's like she has no concept of right and wrong at all.

Over there, Zhong Yun was still urging Nangong Yu to call someone.

 “Yu’er, call someone quickly!”

 But Nangong Yu was stunned and refused to speak.

Nangong Luo shook his head helplessly and said: "Forget it."

He didn't care whether Nangong Yu called Na Cheng his father in name, but he felt more and more that this child was difficult to raise.

I have reminded Zhong Yun many times before not blindly drowned their children. However, Zhong Yun has a set of ways to raise children. He is too lazy to intervene as a partner as a cooperative relationship.

Seeing a good opportunity to build a relationship being wasted by her daughter, Zhong Yun was unhappy inside, but she did not show it in the end.

She could only use excuses to change the subject. "Well, Luo, what do you want to do now?"

Nangong Luo was hesitating to find a suitable occasion to talk to Zhong Yun. Nangong Yu, who had been reluctant to speak just now, had already stood up and interrupted the conversation between the two adults, "I'm hungry and I want to eat!"

With her imperative tone, she would not give up if she disagreed.

Zhong Yun quickly covered her mouth, but Nangong Yu couldn't understand the expression on the person's face and struggled hard, unwilling to give up.

Nangong Luo then said: "Just follow her wishes and find a place to eat first."

 “Okay, okay.”

 The three of them found a restaurant nearby, but after all, they still didn’t go to the dessert shop Nangong Yu requested.

 Because the dessert shop is ten kilometers away from here, Zhong Yun doesn't want to cause more trouble because of her.

When ordering food, Nangong Luo handed Zhong Yun the menu choices, and Zhong Yun ordered everything Nangong Luo liked.

Nangong Luo took a look at the menu, thinking about what he had decided in his heart, and his attitude was slightly better than before, "Order something you and Yu'er like to eat."

Zhong Yun was flattered, "We can all do it, I won't pick it."

She handed the menu back to the waiter and sat face to face with Nangong Luo. The atmosphere "seemed" to be good.

 But the real mistake is that there is Nangong Yu next to him!

Nangong Yu suddenly said to Zhong Yun: "Mommy, I'm thirsty and need some water!"

Zhong Yun quickly poured her a cup of tea on the table.

Nangong Yu turned his head away and said, "I don't want to drink this!"

 (End of this chapter)

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