My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1211: Zhong Yun, get a divorce

Chapter 1211 Zhong Yun, get a divorce

 “Then what do you want to drink?”

 “I want the fruit milk I drank at the dessert shop last time!”

 She really dared to make this request! She just thought that everyone would pamper her and pamper her.

 Zhong Yun is really going to be angry.

  When she saw how much Nangong Luo dotes on the two surviving children of the Ye family, she originally hoped that her daughter would be able to please Nangong Luo.


 But now everything Nangong Yu does is completely adding to her burden, as if she is holding Nangong Luo down with the only remaining rope, while Nangong Yu, her daughter, turns into a knife and keeps cutting the rope.

Zhong Yun took a deep breath and warned herself not to lose her temper in front of Nangong Luo.

“Yu’er, dear, aren’t you hungry? But the dessert shop last time was far away from here. Let’s eat first and then go there when we have time, okay?”

Nangong Yu seemed to mean so. It was rare that he did not continue to make rude requests and play his own way.

 But she is not playing quietly.

Nangong Yu was restless sitting next to Zhong Yun. He sat on the chair for a while and wanted to get off again.

Nangong Luo saw all this and said nothing.

 In such an embarrassing atmosphere, Zhong Yun hesitated to speak.

Nangong Luo thought of Xiao Yu'er.

That girl, who is as old as Nangong Yu, is well-behaved, obedient, and lovable.

 He suddenly said to Zhong Yun, "It's better not to overindulge your children."

Zhong Yun suddenly realized.

 “Yu’er, come here.”

Zhong Yun’s call was still effective for Nangong Yu, and she came over and returned to her seat.

But she didn’t come back because she wanted to be obedient and sit down, she came back because she saw the food coming.

As soon as the dishes were served, Nangong Yu picked up his fork and started eating.

Nangong Luo wouldn't care about this with a child, but Zhong Yun remembered what Nangong Luo said just now, so she just started to discipline the child in front of him.

 “Yu’er! Be polite when eating.”

Nangong Yu heard Zhong Yun start to reason with Nangong Yu and shook his head helplessly.

 Actually, that’s not what he wanted to remind you.

For a child, of course there is no need to be reserved in front of one's parents, but Nangong Yu's impoliteness does not lie in this aspect.

But that’s okay, because soon he will end this partnership.

Originally I thought I would give up, but when the psychological person actually appeared, I realized that I couldn’t give up at all!

At first he was brave and gave up for the so-called "fulfillment", but this time, as long as there is a chance, he will definitely hold on firmly and never let go!

 Because the past few years of working with Zhong Yun have made him understand one thing, that is, in this life, if there is no Gong Qianli, he will just inherit the Nangong family and shoulder the family responsibilities.

Nangong Luo said: "It doesn't matter, let her eat. She must be hungry."

He was just a reminder, but Nangong Yu took it as a reason to be rude, "Look, dad even let me eat, and you are still nagging."

This meal was quite quiet.

But Zhong Yun also realized that Nangong Luo had something to do with her.

After handing Nangong Yu over to the nanny who took care of her and taking her to the dessert shop, Zhong Yun took the initiative to ask him, "What do you want to say to me, ah?"

“Zhong Yun, let’s get a divorce.”


 The number one fan in the monthly list is 188**05. Join the book club group 145016019 and privately stamp the Chinese Valentine's Day to receive the prize~

 The number one fan in the monthly list is 188**05. Join the book club group 145016019 and privately stamp the Chinese Valentine's Day to receive the prize~

 (End of this chapter)

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